On the Fear of God

Aug 03, 2008 00:42

I said I was going to bed, but then this one came like a torrent.

Is it not possible that in the writing of this livejournal and the postulation of spiritual realities, I might become highly susceptible to self-aggrandizement? That no matter the tone and posture of humility with which I may put forth my musings and queries, it may degrade into an insincere habit of convention? The tendency toward human pride deserves severe respect. We are given many admonitions and warnings against its influence.

The wellspring of humility is in humility before God, which is to be realized in obedience to His Laws. The Laws are the Ocean and we are the fish.

If I trust the Voice that admonishes humans toward sincere piety, and give ear to the assertion of my dependence on spiritual sustenance, without which I am susceptible to such corrosive influences as would lead to misery and true loss, I am in a place to develop a wise fear of these natural consequences. This is similar to the wise fear that keeps me from riding a bike without a helmet, *especially* in the case where it has saved my life to have been wearing one. Is not the same true of the laws of God?

"The essence of wisdom is the fear of God, the dread of His scourge and punishment, and the apprehension of His justice and decree."

If the Ground of Being is also the Supreme Ordainer, and has established a fundamental law of order and of justice, then this fear is manifestly wise indeed. It is very unlike the notion of having been "scared into" doing something because someone has threatened you. A calculated threat bears no essential resemblance to a sound warning.

Through a sincere conviction of the reality of Divine Law, I may bountifully find hope for redemption in the realization of my reliance on God, and come to the enlightened knowledge (expressed in unremitting action) that the only way to attain true humility is by attaining it in my inner life and private character. And this involves certain attitudes of devotion that must be cultivated consistently on a daily basis. And by “must be cultivated” I mean, “I must cultivate”, further denoting that this cultivation is, well … obligatory.

And so the fear of God may thus become the ultimate shield of protection. Even if I should outwardly come to sound unbearably pretentious, is it not the state of the inner heart that counts?

I guess in a sense you can say that the fear of God is respect for the fact that the Manifestation is not “bluffing” - the state of recognition and of trust. This same state of trust is also the catalyst for the cultivation of the love of God. And these sentiments of love and fear (springing from their common Reality) are the inseparable dual motivators toward obedience and ultimate prosperity.

The concept of the fear of God has completely stumped me for quite a while … I won’t assume that I have an adequate grasp on it, but at least this thought process has signified a very welcome “first glimmering” of understanding of such a fundamental spiritual attitude, for which I am grateful.

I guess I can finally go to sleep now.

love, epiphany, fear, obedience, justice

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