Nov 17, 2007 21:34
You know those buttons that say "I am loved" or "soy amada?"
People may use affirmations to build their self-validation and not be affected by the de-valuing way that others in society might treat them. The tendency of self-blame or self-deprecation is unjust, because nobody deserves to be treated that way. I'm trying to recognize this fact and become more confident and unashamed. To share with you all, here are some affirmations based on the Baha'i writings.
I am a star in the heaven of understanding, the breeze that stirreth at the break of day.
I am a mine rich in gems of inestimable value.
I have been invested with the gifts of understanding and knowledge.
I am the dawning-place of the love of God.
I am a tree of His garden; I must give forth goodly and wondrous fruits.
I am His lamp and His light is in me….For He has created me rich and has bountifully shed His favor upon me.
I have been made with the Hands of God’s power and with the fingers of God’s strength; and within me He has placed the essence of His light…His work is perfect and His command is binding. I question it not, nor have a doubt thereof.
I am created rich. Noble He made me…He gave me being out of the essence of His knowledge. Out of the clay of love I have been molded. I turn my sight unto myself, that I may find Him standing within me, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.
My heart is His home; I sanctify it for His descent. My spirit is His place of revelation; I cleanse it for His manifestation.
I am His treasury, for in me He has treasured the pearls of His mysteries and the gems of His knowledge.
I am blessed... as He hath made my destiny great and my share victory and happiness.
I am a songster in the meadows of truth.
When the confirmation of the Holy Spirit descendetth, I am not a drop, but a roaring sea!
I am not forgotten for one moment.