Sep 27, 2011 00:08
I let WoW expire, again. But this time-- I'll have Star Wars game whenever I get time to game again. And I intend to play the shit out of IT, not WoW, when I get access to a computer of my own.
I left with 7 level 85s... jeez. WoW + 3rd shift job is like the ultimate time waster
The last arenas we did were a testament to what's wrong with WoW-PvP for me: (3v3s) Jodi was frozen in place, moved 2 steps, rooted in place, charged shaman--hexed (froged), and once out of that I was rooted or frozen until my other two teammates were dead. I couldn't do anything about it (other than 1 trinket use per 2 min--you're imediatelly re-Crowd-controlled anyway--and "bladestorm" which kind of makes me immune to CCs for a few seconds, but I can't DO anything but spin around and perform a semi-weak once-per-second attack)
Yeah, I don't even see WHY I'd want to come back to that; I had made it to the top of PvP gear (well, I didn't have the 'super special awesome arena gear' that you can only get with 2200 rating) and that was still all I could do. (and there were still some healers I couldn't kill..)
If they somehow change the game for the better, I could see myself renewing, since I have all those characters and money- it's not hard to pick back up and level 5 or 10 levels..
But unless Star Wars blows- I don't see why I would.
One way I could see StarWars blowing is getting PvE and PvP to balance.
They shouldn't, and that's what fucks up WoW, or so I was telling Shawn. You have harder and harder PvE encounters that people must have better gear for, more HP for, more defense for, more mana to heal for...etc.
WHAT in PvP needs that kind of scaling changes??? Do people really need to see bigger, more awesome crits or whatever? No, as all the 'twinking' is proof of. PvP is actually MORE FUN at the lower levels in Warcraft now. Me and Shawn had a blast leveling two characters together almost entirely by BGs. The only time it was fucked up was when we entered the 75-79 bracket, and the level 77-79s in the BGs had gotten themselves Cataclysm-green items that were super boosted (so you could survive in the leveling zones-- HP skyrocketed in Cata)
My point is, PvP is fun by itself and doesn't need to continually scale, at least not a whole lot. Adding HP in Lich king certainly changed things up a little, as it wasn't all two-shots from the glass-cannon classes who dominated..people had time to work out more complex fighting rotations and strategies. But with Cata, HP was so high and dmg low ENOUGH that 1 untouched healer (even touched sometimes, made little differnce) could ensure NO ONE DIED.
It got ridiculous. I told Shawn WoW could fix everything by having PvP armor and PvE armor be COMPLETELY SEPARATE-- not just how they are at the moment, but as in YOU COULD NOT WEAR A PVE ITEM INTO A BG, and conversely you could not wear a PVP item to a heroic or raid. People in heroics and raids get pissy when someone with some PvP gear comes into their world anyway-- just keep it separate. And THEN you can worry less about balancing class dps and mitigation between boss encounters AND players vs players. The current WoW-system of balancing both together doesn't make sense to me and seems impossibly difficult (and you'll get raiders bitching about PvP balances messing up their rotations and encounters.. so the problem goes both ways)
I don't think Star Wars will have that kind of system, no game has--it's just my little idea at the moment, but I could see myself re-entering WoW some day if they did something like that. (Sure, it'd divide players and essentially create two different games within a game.. and mean more work for developers) BUT at least they wouldn't have to constantly redo classes everytime they add a new raid boss or whatever; and have forums full of bitchery about nerfs and buffs.
If I jump in to Star Wars ... sometime after next summer?... and it's got me using my light saber like a chisel on some healer's STONE MOUNTAIN OF HP (that's a metaphor)while he laughs off my dps with superior heals, and I can't even reach him because of CCs... then I'm going to be pissed (I have high hopes it won't be)
PS - Overall, it wasn't my warrior, it was my blood-spec deathknight that I was most impressed with in warcraft. It had everything I wanted. A strong melee class with some utility, decent damage, and a lot of survivability. It was only a little off-putting when you went up against-- another blood DK or a good healer. If you take some of the self-healing and give a little more damage, you'd have exactly what I'm looking forward to in a Sith Juggernaut in Star Wars =)