I'm purchasing from... Toranoana?!

May 05, 2014 03:43

Yeah, I got desperate enough, and over the past month have made a string of Toranoana purchases. I haven't received any of the orders yet though because these take time. The reason me ordering from them is surprising is because I've pretty much avoided Toranoana and stuck with Mandarake and pick up services. These two always seemed more readily available to me. Toranoana didn't allow for international shipping (which according to my friend is actually a trend in most Japanese ordering site) so I couldn't purchase anything on my own. Doujins I wanted on Toranoana also seemed to sell out so fast. Most of the time they were either already sold-out or about to be sold-out. Well I managed to catch a doujin I wanted really bad with one bar of stock left and desperately searched around of Toranoana ordering services. I stumbled upon solphiia who offers group orders. She has done many, seems to very popular, incredibly speedy at responding and very organized. Based on what I've seen so far, I would totally recommend her service.
The particular doujins that I am so desperate to obtain are from one of my favorite KnB Aoki pixiv artists 讃岐そば太郎. I am on a mission to collect her entire Aoki series of the same universe. I have placed orders for The Record, The Film, and most recently her new book ザ・アナザーサイド (reading the katakana I'm guessing it's "The Another Side"?). I had originally tried to buy ザ・アナザーサイド and The Honeymoon from SCC23 (pick-up) but was unable to get either. I found ザ・アナザーサイド on Toranoana though so I'm not too disappointed. With those three, I would just be missing The Honeymoon then, which rest assured I will be hunting down... if I can...
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