*Does anyone know someone doing pickup service for Comic City Osaka 98 with access to the KnB event DC Returns 1?*
I recently ordered two Kuroko no Basuke doujins from Mandarake. I have grown to love Mandarake. It really saves on the hassles and anxiety of pickup services. Down side is the prices are always higher, their selection is limited, and I they are pre-owned. Luckily Ogeretsu has a pretty decent selection on Mandarake. To treat myself, I bought UFO (aokise) and STOIC MONSTER (midotaka). I'll post some pics of my two books soon.
I'm definitely trying to stop buying doujins. They aren't cheap, and a pain to purchase. I used to think of doujins as unobtainable goods until I got my cherry popped by Mandarake. And then from there I started looking into pick-up services and stalking artists' Pixiv pages. Doujins are seriously a slippery slope. There is just too much heartbreak (and wallet breaking) involved in doujin purchasing. Pick-ups are great but never guaranteed and never for all the events I want. Mandarake has limited selection, so if you fall in love with a doujin on Pixiv chances for getting it aren't too high. Don't even talk to me about Toranoana. That website makes me angry. There are a several LJ users who offer order services, but it's just another hoop to jump through...
Obviously I haven't been to successful in quitting, but I am honestly trying ween myself off them. I don't make enough to be purchasing doujins left and right...
If you happen to be interested in pick-up services, I would recommend all three I've used before: