Make Friend Post

May 12, 2010 10:24

Some questions from llmistressdenna Make Friend Post:


Name: María
Age: 28
Location: Madrid, Spain
Stage in training: 100% badassery incorporated


If you had to train any tv character and keep him/her as your mate who would you train? Sawyer from LOST would be fun to break :D
If you could kill off anyone on any show who would you kill off? umm not sure....
If you had to take someone on LotS as your mate, who would you take? Rahl hehehe
Favourite Denna gif(optional)? i´ve to made one or find it
Favourite overall gif(optional? didnt find it yet


Who is your all time favourite tv character(outside the LotS fandom) and why? Sydney Bristow, Alias was my first fandom. But i like Caroline Farrel from Dollhouse as well, Olivia Dunham form Fringe, SSC, BSG, LOST, GG...
If you could only watch 3 tv shows for the rest of your life which ones would you watch? Alias, LOTS and BSG
Who is your OTP and why? Sydney/Vaughn, they are just perfect together <3
Anything else?

Your LJ

Is your journal friends only? nope
What types of things do you have in your journal? i dont have many friends on LJ so i post random things at my twitter and tumblr, and i post mostly on my graphic comm: icons, screencaps, psd....
What is your favourite comm? i watch many interestings comms
How many landcomms are you in? just legendland
What is your favourite landcomm(except for LL)? none
Do you take part in 20in20s/Fic100s/other contests? once i try to make 100 icons of Ashelia a FF XII character but i lost inspiration...

mod: llmistressdenna

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