It's my birthday today. I'd have to say I have had the best 3 days ever. Friday was my party and even thought it started off kinda boring it turned out to be awesome..Saterday I went shopping with my mom and I got 3 dresses from charlotte russe. I absolutly love that store and I got a bunch of other things that I love. After shopping I came home and got ready to go out to dinner with Andy. That was wonderful..we both got dressed up=) which was so cute cuz i never dress up and neither does he.. and the food there was delicious.. and his aunt and uncle are so nice.. the waiter gave us free dessert and it was so good. I love that resturaunt and im so glad i was there with Andy because I love being with him and hes such a great boyfriend.
Today I'm going to andys race and then hopefully the beach.. it should be a good day=)
love mel
p.s i have the best friends anyone could ask for<3