
Jun 27, 2004 22:08

Read lots of stuff online today, compares to other days.

Economy/Technology- I basically read all the articles on the website, everyone should read these as background:

Robotic Nation
Robots in 2015

Then this:

Yahoo! News: Education in U.S.

Teachers Union wants to sue Bush's Left of Child Behind Act but no states rallies behind it. "A lawsuit would hinge on a provision of the law that says states and school districts would not have to use their own money to pay for any of the law's requirements. It is an important issue because debate has been continuous over whether the government is paying enough to implement the law."

War in Iraq from Yahoo! News:
"As of Friday, June 25, 848 U.S. service members have died since the beginning of military operations in Iraq last year, according to the Defense Department. Of those, 627 died as a result of hostile action and 221 died of non-hostile causes. The department did not provide an update over the weekend."

Taiwan Cultural Sexism- This pisses me off! Stupid people, have they thought about where they'll find spouses?

Taipei Times
Monday, Jun 28, 2004,Page 3

■ Population
More male babies born
The proportion of male babies nationwide is rising as women increasingly abort female fetuses, the Department of Health said yesterday. Sociologists say couples are increasingly choosing to have only one child in order to enjoy a better quality of life and that having a son is preferable because males carry on the family name. Last year, 119,000 boys and 108,000 girls were born, boosting the ratio of males against females to about 110 to 100 from the normal rate of 105 to 100, the department said in a statement. It said more women were aborting female fetuses and giving birth only when they conceive boys. Technology allowing parents to find out the sex of their fetus, as well as artificial insemination allowing parents to choose the sex of their child, has contributed to the increase in the male-to-female ratio, sociologists say. The birthrate dropped to a record low of 1.2 last year. The rate, which measures the average number of times a woman gives birth during her lifetime, was 3.71 in 1971 and 7.04 in 1951.
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