Religious interferences

Oct 09, 2003 11:54

From Yahoo! News

It is on issues and propaganda like these that I resent the institution of religious establishment. Because of its authority and power, people will actually believe what the religious institution says even when it is COMPLETELY wrong (I am referring to the condom issue).

"Episcopalian Group Repudiates Gay Stance"
Why cannot people accept the fact that gays do exist and they are people too, they will not go away just because religious groups say so. It is discrimination against devoted gay believers who want to serve God and people by becoming a member of the establishment.

"Catholic Church says Condoms don't stop AIDS"
How many people are going to be infected and die because of this?

"Catholic Church Fights Chile Divorce Law"
How many people, especially women, are going to continue to suffer because of this? It is always discrimination against the majority of the population who has no money to pay lawyers.
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