Title: Untitled (suggestions)
Part 1/?
m00nbrainPairing: John/Teyla
Rating: PG
Word Count: 614
A/N: Wrote this not that long ago but didn't really know what I was going to do with it. Actually still don't but here it is. This is probably the first time I've actually had to think about writing Elizabeth, not sure how I did on that.
Feedback is love.
*Many thanks to
purple_cube for the beta*
"John, you might want to sit down." Elizabeth's' voice was business-like as usual but the look on her face told John that whatever bad news she was about to deliver was personal. She lowered herself into her usual chair, with one hand laid on the desk and the other resting against her temple as she stared at him, frustration easily seen in the lines of her face.
"The Atlantis expedition has been recalled." The statement was harsh and straight to the point. This is one moment when John Sheppard really didn't envy her position.
"Like hell we are. The Wraith are still out there." The knowledge that he was being sent home was not something he had expected to hear, and there was none of the joy that he had expected to feel.
"The government believes that we are better able to defend ourselves at home." It was bogus and they both knew it. The Wraith have had a taste of what Earth had to offer and even with the gate out of action it wasn't likely they were just going to let it go.
"So they want to us pack up and leave this galaxy in hands of the Wraith and hope they leave us alone? Leave the Athosians with a city they can't use?" Leaving the Athosians meant leaving Teyla and that wasn’t an option John was willing to choose.
"We can fight this." She said firmly and her green eyes were masked with sympathy, as if she had followed John through the same thought process.
"We have to." It wasn’t a question of yes or no, simply a matter of how.
"But we have to return to Earth on the Daedalus. We can’t fight this here."
John could tell that she hated to admit that no matter which path they took, it still meant leaving.
"If we go back they'll have us reassigned before we're out of hyperspace."
"That's a good possibility. I know we can fight this. It may take time but we have to do this. I won’t be the first to admit the Pegasus galaxy needs us."
She gave him a cautious smile, trying to bolster his spirits.
"How long do we have?" He asked dejectedly, not willing to force a smile in return.
"Just under three weeks."
"This just isn't fair." He knew it was a juvenile statement and he waited on the leader’s wise response.
"No, it's not." Unexpectedly harsh but true. "That's not to say things can't be done before we go,” she added. John wanted to run around yelling "no" until the Daedalus left without them but he felt more tired than when he entered Weir’s office, and all he could do was slump back in his seat and wait for the rest of the bad news.
"And by "we" you mean?" Now he was just adding to his own frustration.
"I don't think that bringing Ronon and Teyla back with us would be a wise idea."
John sighed and averted his gaze to the wall.
"Was that an order?" He figured he knew the answer and getting past this would be easier knowing everything.
"No." He turned his attention back to her, surprised but defiant.
"Than we should leave that up to them."
"John, honestly..."
"No. They’ve fought with us long enough to make this decision themselves. They’ve earned it."
It was Elizabeth's turn to sigh as she saw the flinty hazel gaze pointed at her.
"Fine. I can’t stop you." She relented, knowing that he was right. Teyla and Ronon maybe aliens on Earth but they were allies and friends here. And that still counted for a lot in the Pegasus Galaxy.