May 03, 2006 17:43
I haven't written for ages.
I can't be fucked, it'll probobly just be moaning.
Things are so up and down I can't even understand how I feel. I'm not sad. I'm not anything, except stressed. So fucking stressed.
Too much work, no idea what to even do. No door keys. David is a tit. I'll explain in more detail another time, maybe. Though by the time I write again it'll all just be a distant memory. Shame though, we had some fun.
Had a good meeting with Kate this morning... Knackard me out, though. Too much talking and analysing and... Things.
I want to shut the curtains and sit in the dark watching 1980's sitcoms. I don't want anyone to talk to me or try and make it better. I really do just want to be alone.
Just got to take it day by day. Didn't go to Jonathan's lesson and went to appologise and he wasn't there. Fucksake.
Later: Go and start our shitty performance. That's going to fail anyway.
Tomorrow: Chris Corner in the morning. Collect worksheets. Find out dates of exams. Do stupid Market Resreach work for Sylva. Go to the BAC to see a play I've never heard of. Stare into the abyss ;-)
I am ahead I am advanced, I am the first mammal to make plans says:
Did you know crows slide down snowey hills on their backs for fun?
Louchy is drunk.