faking is soooo much fun (not)

Feb 25, 2007 19:42

I just got my HYS music today like 15 minutes before rehearsal. I could site read the first movement because it was pretty slow, but during that damn infernal dance I was faking most of the time! It's pretty hard and it goes super fast. (this is Stravinsky's Firebird) I hate faking, but I didn't have much of a choice. I tried to get the music two weeks ago at the concert, but I looked in the music bin and it wasn't there and I couldn't find the guy that would have it, which he probably didnt' anyway at the concert. So I had to wait until this week to get it because we were off last week for all state.

I wonder if she is ever going to grow up. She is such a fucking hypocrit. Fine don't talk to me, I dont really care. You haven't always been the best friend to me anyway. You are a cool person, everyone thinks so, but you are so self centered and always have to be in the spotlight. You really need to grow up. You said I was one of your few good friends. Maybe you should be more careful to preserve such relationships since you apparently don't have many. I understand that you dont think I made the best choice in this situation, but it is still my choice and you should respect it. I don't think you always make the best choices, but I haven't let it affect our relationsip. Even when you hit a new low I didn't stop being friends with you. If you are going to not talk to me because of this dumbass reason and let it ruin our friendship then you are really dumb. It would be your loss not mine.
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