Oct 17, 2006 00:35
What is it about the HRC that makes me feel like procrastinating? I thought that getting out of your everyday zone was supposed to up your productivity. Oh well! I'm here doing an assignment left over from the weekend from hell that wasn't actually that bad. I had dinner with some Russians and went to a concert (oh how I love campus music events. When I grow up I'm going to be that creepy community member who comes to all the music events at the local college campus and sits by herself and leers.) I got really distracted by the piccolo which I have never seen before and was so so so tiny and by the (male) oboe player wearing a floor length, thigh high slit black skirt, which apparently he does because he converted to Judaism this summer? Also I fell on my face in front of lots of people. But really, what weekend does that not happen. Also went shopping in the yuppie district and ate sushi and went to a small gathering where I ate some petit ecoliers and anne spilled an entire mug of wine on the carpet. So it sounds like a good weekend, right? Well, that's because it was! Except for that I had to work both days which I will never, ever ever do again because I almost died. pink-sticker experience for the weekend: When I was cleaning up after a 10 o'clock birthday party for a three year old at the children's museum, I noticed that the orange juice left over on the table smelled a little funny. a little like alcohol. Which is because it was spiked. sketch. Now it is Monday but it feels like the thursday that wouldn't end because of the busy weekend thing. It's very gray and misty, which is nice weather for doing work, and it's back up in the 50's. balmy! hopefully the gray misty weather (and lack of chem lab tomorrow! HOOOOORAY!!) will make the week seem speedier and soon it will be Thursday. On Thursday my botany class is going to a bog, about which I am very excited. It seems a more home-y environment to me than the prairies we've visited so far, even though i'm pretty sure there are few to no bogs in Oregon. And there will be plants that eat things! And then after Thursday it will be Friday and then after Friday it will be Saturday and I don't have to work at all! muahahaha! I want to do something cool for fall break, which is next week, hooray! but I have to be here on Sunday, so I'm not sure what I can do. hmmmm.