Oct 13, 2005 08:16
It's been what? A little over 2 weeks since I posted? *G* Well, Shannon hasn't yelled at me.....yet. *VBG* Anywho, everything is going ok right now with Jared so nothing big there, he is getting used to doing more things on his own without my help, which is a *big* plus. He went in Oct 4th & everything is aligned right still. We have another appointment on the 20th at 7:30 in the morning. Any of you who really know me know I hate getting up in the mornings. But, its better than waiting half a day. I got some picture's that my sister took of his cast but untill I talk with Shannon, ya ain't gonna see them. *G* Why? I don't want everyone on god's green earth to look at the pics & emailing them out is a pain in the ass cause a bunch of you have Yahoo for email & Yahoo seem's to not like me at times. I have *no* clue as to why. *EG* Anywho, that's what is going on at my end of the world. How are you all doing?