
Apr 11, 2006 21:03

Damn…it’s been a long time since I have been on here. Why? You may ask? Cause my body has decided to go away for awhile without me. *G* Anywho, lets see, Nov. 29th my sister-in-law had the twins, a boy & a girl, Jack & Grace. Both are doing beautifully right now, they were only in the hospital for about 3 weeks, they got to spend Christmas at home with Mom, Dad, big brothers Copper & Abe. (& yes, they are dogs. *EG*)

Mid Dec. I started out with what I thought was the flu. Anything I ate came out the bottom half slicker than snot. Thought I had gall stones, but seems I just had a gasterial infection. Then made the mistake of quitting smoking. I know I know…should have done it a long time ago, but…well, you’ll find out in a minute. Anyways, quit on the 15th of Jan. This Saturday it will be three months! Go me! Down side? First had the feeling that something was stuck in my throat all the time. Pissed me off to no end. Found out it was the antidepressant I was taking to help me quit smoking. Got off that drug *damn* fast! That feeling went away.

Muscle in my back behind my left shoulder blade started to tighten up, dealt with that for 2 weeks before I went into urgent care & got muscle relaxent & then had to go in & get three cortizone shots in my back.

Then a filling in one of my teeth fell out, went into dentist, found out hadn’t been threre for 4 years ( I know already! *G*) but had to wait until mid March to figure out what was going on. Turns out I have 6 teeth that need root canal’s and crowns. HA! That’s gonna wait until next year since I have to pay for it! *G* Anywho, the tooth that the filling fell out I got pulled out today (4/11) so I have a hole in my mouth...at least I added another hole in my head! *VBG*

While waiting to get my tooth pulled, muscle in back tightened up again near end of March. Supposably have a pinched nerve in my neck. Gave me exercises and such to use. Go back to my doc at the end of April & we will see where we are at.

Well, that’s it for now….oh, this weekend I get to meet my niece & nephew for the first time! *G*


PS: See Shannon? I can update, but at least now you know *why* I haven't!
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