Falling Out and Moving On Ch. 1

Sep 18, 2012 16:26

Story: Falling Out and Moving On
Aurthor: Lzay_Night (blackmagicthing)
Pairings: George/Draco, Harry/Draco, Hints of Harry/Ginny, and Ron/Hermione
Rating: T
Warnings: Cheating, Slash, Het, future Mpreg, and Occness.
Summary: Moving on is hard when you ex-boyfriend is the boy-who-lived, but Draco is determined to do it. He just have to learn to forgive and forget. It's much harder then it sounds.

Chapter one

You've got to be kidding me.

"Cheers to the future couple!" The crowd yelled in excitement behind him. He didn't pay them no mind. He was a little busy gaping at the kissing couple in front of him. They seemed so intent to trying to suck each other faces off that they didn't notice him standing in the doorway.

Draco watched in disbelief as his boyfriend, no, ex-boyfriend, kissed Ginny Weasley like his life depended on it. There was no mistaking what he was seeing.

His boyfriend of two years was cheating on him during his best mate engagement party with the person he had thought was his friend.

For a guy who claimed he was gay sure seemed quite satisfied with making out with a woman. Draco watched, frozen, as Harry Potter groaned into the kiss and noticed movement below from the corner of his eyes. Almost casually, he looked down to see a familiar muscular hand disappear under a formal dress.

A choked noise escaped him before he could stop himself, and he took a step back. He shook his head in denial as the couple sprang apart at the noise.

Ginny eyes widen, and she pulled down her dressed. Harry stared at him in equal shock. The emerald eyes he had once fell in love with darken with guilt and regret. Harry took a step towards him and he took one back.

No, this couldn't be happening. Tears swelled to his eyes and he squeezed them shut tightly in hopes of preventing them from falling.

No such luck.

Clear streams rolled down his pale cheeks as his heart constricted in his chest. For no reason at all he felt suddenly cold and very alone.

Draco turned around with every intention in running out the room. He didn't want to hear the excuses that were sure to come, nor did he feel like embarrassing himself farther by breaking down in front of his ex and the women he thought he was friends with. Instead of sprinting out the door and out of the ballroom liked he planned, he ran headfirst into a firm chest.

Draco's muffled 'oomph!' was unheard over the roared, "What the FUCK is going on here!" He could feel the vibrations from the chest as the words were said.

Strong arms wrapped around him in a protective gesture, and he was pulled into an embrace without his consent. He squirmed in the hold. Draco didn't even know who the person was, much less why they were hugging him. The palms resting flat against the chest pushed and he was released instantly.

"George?" Ginny questioned tentatively, moving away from Harry quickly.

Draco kept his back to the couple, and stared at the red faced twin. He blinked in surprised. It was weird seeing Fred, of all Weasley's, in front of him. The blond hadn't seen the man since the Battle of Hogwarts and its aftermath. After his twin's death, George seemed to have cut all ties from the world and disappeared. Draco felt a little guilty that he had forgotten the man even existed.

He blinked again and stared at the fuming man. The tears that had once been streaming down his face had now died up into white tear tracks. The lines were barely visible on his pale skin.

There was a cough behind him and a throat cleared.

"I'm surprised you showed up George. We were all sure you wouldn't. It's good that you here. I bet Ron's happy. You know, we all been worried about you. It's been awhile since you stepped out and all. Where have you been? It feels like it's been forever since I've seen-" Harry's ramble was cut off.

"What were you doing to my sister?" The tone was sharp and clipped. Draco bowed his head. It was obvious that George already knew, so why was he asking? The man had obviously witness Harry cheating on him the same time he had.

There was a sharp intake of breath, and Ginny's squeal of "George!" behind him. He ignored both, and pushed past the twin and into the crowded ballroom. Already people were starting to stare in their direction, and Draco just knew that the event would be in the Daily Prophet by tomorrow morning. Harry's cheating on him was sure to make the front page. He could already see it now.


He shuddered, and made a silent note not to read the paper for a few weeks. The scandal would take some time to die out as it was the first dirt on Harry in months.

Draco quickly exited the building after grabbing his jacket and apparated outside the entrance. The moment the familiar setting of the living room of the apartment he and Harry shared came into sight he collapsed on the floor and let out a long wail.

He had been holding it in since he first came upon the sight of his boyfriends' betrayal. Tears and snot trailed messily down his pale, thin face and a broken sob left his lips. It seemed in that moment everything came crashing down, and the perfect little picture he had of him and Harry married and with children shattered to pieces.

He couldn't believe something like this was happening to him.

After ten minutes of screaming and crying himself dry, he got up. Draco saw no reason to continue acting like a heartbroken fool longer than necessary. He went into the bathroom and winced at his reflection. His eyes were already beginning to puff up, and with wet streaks and snot running down his face he looked like a child that lost its mother in a market. He turned his face to the side, noting the redness of his cheeks and the paleness of his neck and forehead. He turned his head back and stared.

Draco looked the perfect picture of a heartbroken blond.

He scowled at his reflection in a spark of intense anger. The glass shattered as his magic acted on his emotions, and he felt a bit of satisfaction. At least his magic hadn't been dimmed without the use of a wand these past two years. The Ministry thought it fit to take his wand and 'hold' it for him until he was no longer under house arrest. He was only aloud outside if he was in the company of Harry.

His faced twisted in sorrow as he thought of his ex-lover before it went blank. He should have known it was too good to be true. For a man like Harry Potter to fall in love with an ex-death eater like him is something that only happens in a fairy tale. Draco was so emotional and distraught to see the reality of it in the beginning. Hooking up with Potter during the war was purely based off him being to vulnerable at the time and he wasn't thinking rationally.

"That boy is only using you, Draco! Right now he wants to be anything but the perfect Hero everyone has pictured him to be and by dating you he isn't the 'perfect hero' no longer! How can you not see this? The instant he snaps out this rebellious stage you will be the one that gets hurt, not him!" Pansy had hissed at him after he told her of Harry being his lover.

Draco at the time had denied it and refused to believe what she was telling him. He had shouted that 'they were in love' and that 'Harry really did care for him'. Looking back at it now he felt so foolish and naïve.

Of course Pansy was right. The girl seemed to have a talent in figuring people out in on glance, and yet he still ignored he warning. Now he was paying for it.

Draco cleaned off his face and exits the bathroom and headed for the room. He pointedly ignored the pictures on the wall and on the night stands and grabbed a large bag. He began to pull his clothes from the drawers and hangers then proceeded to shoved them into the bag. Once done, he moved to his accessories, and continues on in removing his stuff from room then the whole apartment.

After leaving tonight, he had no intentions of coming back.

It took three magically enchanted bags to hold all of his things. He grabbed them and headed towards the fire place. At the same time he had begun to put floo powder into the fire the front door slammed open and a determined Harry Potter tumbled in.

He spotted Draco easily and took in his packed bags and appearance with guilty eyes. He moved forward, and opened his mouth to speak.

"Draco-" He began slowly as Draco called out "Malfoy Manor" in a loud in clear tone. The slender man quickly disappeared into the fire place.

He landed on his butt on the familiar lavished carpet of the sitting room. His heart was beating unnaturally fast in his chest and he began to tremble. He curled into himself on the carpet, and wondered dimly if he always been this emotionally unstable.

One minute he was crying and feeling the cold burn of heartbreak and the next he was detached and resentful. It didn't make sense.

As tears began to stream down his face for the third time that night and his body racked with silent sobs, only one sentence repeated over in his head.

Had Potter really been using him?

mpreg, story: falling out and moving on, slash, fandom: hp, pairings: george/draco

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