okay i couldnt help myself..this is EXTREMELY long..and you dont have to do all of them..but i would loooove you if you did it :)
I said I liked you?
I kissed you?
I lived next door to you?
I stole something?
I was hospitalized?
I got into a fight and you weren't there?
I ran away from home?
Read more... )
I said I liked you? um ok?
I kissed you? um....well...no
I lived next door to you? PARTY 24-7! I WISH YOU DID!
I stole something? wow...lyndsey steal...no
I was hospitalized? ID COME VISIT YOU!
I got into a fight and you weren't there? id be like...HOW IN THE HELL DID I MISS THAT?!?! haha
I ran away from home? id bring you to my house! fun stuff!
Personality? EXCELLENT!
Eyes? beautiful!
Face? gorgeous!
Hair? spectacular! (im jealous)
Clothes? so adorable!
Mannerisms? so you! haha
Family? never met them! haha
Sense of Humor? well you say things that only you would say! haha i love it!
Be my friend? already am!
Like to make me feel better? heck yes!
Spread rumors about me? nope
Keep a secret if I told you one? yep!
Loan me some cash? sho nuff!
Hold my hand? if you needed a friend...i sure would
Take a bullet for me? um...if it wasnt going to kill me...i would! haha
Keep in touch? totally
Try and solve my problems? i already do that!
Love me? i do!
Date me? no...but double date...yes!
put an x in the () for each you would do for me.
then reply to this post.
() go out with me?
() give me your number?
() let me kiss you?
(x) watch a movie with me...even a really sappy one?
(x) let me take you out to dinner?
() be my bf/gf?
(x) Listen to me if I called you crying even if you were out with all of your friends?
(x) buy me a drink like a sobe or soda?
(x) take me home for the night? to your house yes...to mine...if we were partying then yes...but if for something else...um no
(x) Would you let me sleep in your bed(not sex)?
(x) Sing car kareoke w/ me?
(x) sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?
() re-post this for me to answer your questions? i quit xanga haha
(x) Let me give you a piggyback ride? : D
(x) Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere!
And these too:
1. Am I attractive? yep!
2. Am I sweet? yep!
3. Am I crazy? ohhh yes
4. Am I lovable? yep!
5. Am I a psycho? but of course!
6. Am I funny? yes!
7. Am I mean? never!
8. Am I a good person? you sure are!
Would You...
9. Hug me? yep
10. Miss me if I was gone? yep
11. Listen to my problems? i do!
12. Be a good friend? yep
13. Ever go out with me? what a repeated question...no
14. If you already have...would you do it again? ummm...n/a
15. Kiss me? no...sorry lyndz!
16. Marry me if you could? um me n u...nahh haha
17. Tell me something that you’ve never told me before? sure!
How Well Do You Know Me
18. When's my birthday? january 17 i think
19. How old am I? 15
20. What school do I go to? lhfc for 3 more days!
21. Do I have any siblings? yep!
22. Who do I love? everyone!
23. Who is my best friend? too many to name
24. What's my favorite band? not sure!...switchfoot though
25. What's my favorite type of music? i dont know!
26. What's my favorite T.V. Show? again...no idea
27. What's my favorite song? what kind of questions are these?!?!?! i dont know! haha
Who Am I
29. What T.V. Star do I remind you most of? joey on dawsons creek
30. What song would you dedicate to me? i can only imagine.......i like that song
31. What famous person do I most resemble? no one...you are unique!
If You Could
32. Give me a new name...What would it be and why? LYNDSEY IS PERFECT!
33. Hook me up with someone (it can be yourself)...Who would it be? nathan...but you know
34. Do one thing with me...What would it be? PARTY! haha not drinking wise though...good clean fun! hahaha or you know...double date...thats cool too! haha
35. Drop me one piece of advice...What would it be? always be who you want to be...never be who someone else wants you to be
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