I love nekura_yamiyo from freelayouts (
http://freelayouts.livejournal.com) because she or he makes wonderful wonderful designs for LJ. This is by her too!
Okay, tomorrow is Thursday. It's exciting to see Suzanne again - honestly, I don't think that I am excited because she's a familiar face on TV, but more of the fact that she's actually there in all the action. It's good to have first-hand information. I don't think that there's any novelty about the whole issue about her being our teacher, at least not for me. Suzanne's not an object that I rave about over and over again straight after our first meeting...
Now, shoes - those are things I feel contain a lot of novelty.
Shoes are my newfound love. Honestly. I don't think I can live without shoes. Correction - I don't think I can live without new shoes.
((hits head)) ARGH NO! I have to resist temptation! No succumbing to the wiles of the spree devil!
...But I really want to get new shoes in June... ((bites lip and whimpers))
Okay this is my shopping list for May:
1. Accessories from Bugis ($20)
2. 2 casual tops from Bugis Street (yes, because I am highly price-sensitive, it is just natural that I go street shopping - $30)
All right, now I'm off to splurge on a pair of earrings I've been eyeing since I returned from Thailand... Muahahhaa. So much for control. Ciao!