Cooking with lyzyrd_skyzyrd.

Jun 03, 2008 21:38

  1. Find interesting recipes online or in cookbook.
  2. Mutter curses under breath upon finding not all ingredients are "in stock"; continue search.
  3. Nearly slice off thumbnails while dicing veggies with dull paring knife; whip out santoku.
  4. Keep recipe open but do not use measuring cups or spoons. Continue adding more of each ingredient until it "looks right".
  5. Eat tortilla chips.
  6. Add in twice the olive oil and three times the garlic.
  7. Spill liquid all over floor.
  8. Shoo away cats.
  9. Eat some kimchi or other pickled food item.
  10. Take nap.
  11. Slop some of the "gourmet results" onto plate and chow down.
  12. Take foto to post on Flickr
  13. (two days later): Begin cleanup of kitchen.


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