Holy crap, an update!

Mar 23, 2005 10:53

Even more importantly, holy crap, I remembered my Livejournal password! Ker-shock!

Well, a ton of things have happened since the last update, so I dunno if I can get them all out before my stomach starts talking louder than I can think... its almost lunch time.

Life in General: Living off campus in a house in Bangor (rented), which I'm enjoying immensely. Its also within walking distance of my job and the bus stop, which is handy because I still don't have my driver's license. Looking foward to two road trips this summer, one to E3 in Cali (registration got confirmed yesterday!), and the other the yearly trip to Baltimore for Otakon.

School: Almost done my fourth year of school, and facing the dreaded fifth year... full of retaking classes. It's gonna blow, but oh well, my fault for letting life depress me to the point that my grades slipped major time. I'm doing much better mood-wise now, except I've seemed to have lost any shred of motivation that ever existed in my body... even now, I'm putting off finishing a paper that was due Monday... and not doing a lab report that's due in an hour. Go go senioritis. Probably not getting into vet school anytime soon, and not just because of my grades, but my whole-hearted tiredness of classes. Maybe I'll work as a Pharmacy or Veterinary Technician for however long, then try again.

Work: Now working two jobs, more or less. Still at the Diagnostics Lab a few hours a week, and now working an average of 32 hours a week at Eastern Maine Medical Center as a Pharmacy Technician. Woot, I get to play with drugs! The job also requires me to get certified as a Pharm. Tech., of which I took the $120 test for last Saturday. I doubt I did that well... they recommended a book for us to study from, yet the test was all stuff I probably could've learned just being more involved in work. Oh well, I'll just wait another year or so, learn everything I can, then retake the test. Or, maybe some divine stroke of luck will happen and I'll actually pass... hah!

Love Life (for teh nosy people): Broke up with Pat, a bit before our two year anniversary. Things were ailing, and then epic battles over him going to Japan and me getting an apartment erupted, and I broke things off. I still see him when he decides to interrupt my life for something or another (usually a "you have this of mine" type of thing), so whatever. Currently with Nate, who I had a crush on before and during my relationship with Pat (onoes i r a whore), then fell in love with when I moved into an apartment with him. Things are, to put it simply, blissful. Every day is me falling more and more in love with him. And contrary to what he thinks, I don't love him for his new car that has heated leather seats. =P

Games: Anyone who knows me knows I was a game addict, and I still am. Still playing RO, after quitting it for about two months, and managing to not get bored by it again. Playing FFXI now, because my friend Matt made me join it and Nate bought it for me for Christmas. Will possibly be joining World of Warcraft, since Nate's playing it, and most of my old RO buddies are on it too. And still playing the obligatory tabletop RPG BESM.

Anyways, that's about all I can think of now. Gotta go eat now, my stomach's starting to really make itself known.
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