Apr 21, 2003 15:18
So far I've failed another Animal Nutrition test, forgetten a couple of assignments that were due today, and generaly just been depressed. The prospect of failing a class, let alone a 400 level one, isn't the most pleasant thing to dwell over.
The past weekend, however, was quite nice. I'll talk about that, and maybe it will cheer me up. ^_^
Saturday was the trip to Boston. It started out a little rough. . . Pat woke me up at 5 am (since I completely slept through the 4:30 alarm he set), and we slowly crawled out of bed and got ready. Jero - dear, SWEET Jero (get the sarcasm yet?) - e-mails at around 5:30, a half hour before we were scheduled to leave, and says he's too tired and drunk to drive down. Understandable, but this is the guy who told us the day before that we wasn't coming to the anime showing so he could go to bed early and be ready to drive. Apparently he changed his mind. This is bad news, because he was our second driver. The plan was to drive down in two vehicles - me and Pat in his car, Jero, Mike and Nate in Jero's van - stop in Saco to drop Pat's car off, and go down to Boston in Jero's van. After some quick thinking (quick as 5 am would allow), Mike agreed to drive down to Saco and stash his truck at my house, and we'd all go down in Pat's car.
So yeah, we finally got on to the road, the four of us, and made it without incident to my house. Well, maybe not ENTIRELY without incident - Pat missed the exit for 295, took 495, and ran out of money before the last toll, so we had to borrow a buck from Mike. We stayed at my house for a bit and had breakfast. . . Mom was thrilled because she got to meet my friends. . . tormented the cats (who knew cats, catnip, and laser pointers could be so entertaining?). . then finally headed out. The trip down was fun, though we got lost trying to follow the MapQuest directions to Harvard Square. We passed MIT and spent most of the traffic jam we were stuck in talking crap about the smart kids that went there - it was fun. We drove around until we found a parking garage, and then Nate (who has a most impressive sense of direction) found us our theater. We decided on a showing time, then headed out to find food. I wanted to go to Quincy Market, so we checked out the subway map, and I made the mistaken assumption that Quincy Center = Quincy Market. However, Quincy Center was a subway stop out in the middle of nowhere, so we hopped on the subway car going the other way and went to Downtown Crossing - ate at the Food Court over there - and we all felt like crap after, because the Subway sandwiches we got were terribly made. My stomach ache stayed with me till dinner, which was no fun.
After we has finished our sandwiches (and an extended conversation about Paintball experiences), we started walking around aimlessly. Pat saw the Prudential building and steered us that way - I encouraged it because I remembered the shopping mall they had at the base of the building from my last Boston trip. We wandered through the stores, gawked at the prices in the Gucci store - talk about an expensive place! Nate found a silk robe done kimono style that went for nearly $4,000 - I found a pair of short-short-short shorts that was about $290 (Running joke at the time: "See, if anyone jokingly says: 'What's the matter, can't afford a whole pair of shorts?' you can be like 'YES!'") Pat and Mike wandered through the entire store, trying to price what a full Gucci suit would cost - I think they came up with something like $3,600, I dunno. It was quite mind-boggling. . . $325 shoes, $125 ties. . . to have that much money to spend. . . yeesh.
After meandering around the mall a bit longer, Nate decided he wanted ice cream. Since the Ben and Jerry's shop was WAY too expensive, we decided to go to Haymarket, because Pat said they had food. Turns out Haymarket is a stop right next to Quincy Market - now I was REALLY feeling dumb. We stopped by the Holocaust Memorial on the way there. . . glass towers about 4, 5 stories high, with panes inscribed with numbers - the IDs of the prisoners that were killed. Each pane was FULL of numbers - the numbers only about a quarter of an inch big - it was really shocking to see it and think of the sheer number of people that died. So many people. . .
Anyways, we finally made it to Quincy Market, found a nice little place selling ice cream, and got a table on the second floor of the middle dining room, where we talked about city living and the guys oogled girls (with my wonderful boyfriend feigning "blindness" the whole time *grins*). I was bummed because there were no cute guys to comment on. . . *sighs*
After a bit of wandering around, it was about time to go to the movie - the only problem was, in order to get tickets for an R movie, which is what they rated Cowboy Bebop as, you needed an ID if you appeared to be under 21 (which I HAD. . . back at home ^_^;;;) - but I managed to neatly duck around that by having Pat buy them (he had his driver's license), and luckily, the cashier didn't ask who the second ticket was for. So I got in without incident.
The movie was pretty good - I ended up dozing off during some of the down parts, which I'm still getting shit for. . . *grins sheepishly* But all in all, it was really good. After the movie we went back to Quincy Market to find a restaurant to eat at - Pat wanted to eat at the Purple Shamrock, and Nate was all for it because he wanted to drink, but since Mike and I were under 21, we couldn't go in. After a lot of walking around, we found a pizza place to eat at which turned out to have really good pizza. I ended up paying for everyone, since I was paying for me and Pat and only had my debit card, but it worked out, because Mike paid for the parking garage and Nate the gas for the trip back. Pat promised me a lovely weekend down in Boston because I paid for him the entire day - can't wait for that! *grins* After we were full, we just dragged our tired asses back to the car - it was already 11 at night, and time to go home. Nate used his keen sense of direction to get us back out of Boston and onto the highway, and we all dozed off as poor Pat drove on.
We didn't get back to my house until about 1 in the morning - I offered my bedroom floor to Nate and Mike (since Pat had the room anyway to keep his cat allergies from acting up, and I had the couch), but since Mike had to work the next morning, they kept going. I heard they didn't make it back to Orono until 4 am. . . that must've sucked.
Anyways, so I crashed on the couch and let the kitties and their fleas crawl all over me while Pat slept in my nice comfy bed, and I woke up to my lovely lovely family talking and banging stuff around at 8 in the morning. I was a bit disgruntled - they couldn't keep it down just a LITTLE bit? But I got up, got dressed, and then woke Pat up later (who turned out to be awake anyway and hiding under the covers - scared me when I tried to wake him). *scowls*
Dinner at the Clam Bake was the usual fun affair, with my Uncle Dennis being a riot - Pat and I got our picture taken with the Easter Bunny. . . then it was time for the trip back, in which Pat took me out to Bailey's Island, and we spent awhile out by the ocean, then had dinner at Friendly's - it was so nice. *sighs happily* Pat got out a disposable camera and took a bunch of pictures of me on the beach, and I weedled the camera off of him and took a few pictures of him. . . we skipped rocks, watched the tide come in. . .
But anyways, it wasn't until about 9 that we got back to the apartment, and the rest of the night was spent with me doing a bunch of last minutes studying for Animal Nutrition and freaking out. . .
But yeah, that was my weekend. I tried to rush it at the end, because my roomie's always complaining that my journal entries are novels, but there was too much cool stuff to cover. ^_^