Apr 24, 2005 11:50
o man i'm dead.... i dont feel like explaining it but it has to do with me not ending up at home on friday. yes mam, my own brother forgot me at his freinds house. hott, huh? n e wayz, i watched movies all day yesterday!!!!!!!!! yah i watched the house of dagggers (like another versoin of romeo and juliet but ten times better! yes includes daggers and demons lol i added the demons for chris!) i watched taxi... i let them borrow my beamer for that one... 745 li, i wacthed white chicks, and then at 12 at nite i decided to watch mean girls and went to bed at 2:30 IN THE MORNING. okay mean girls isnt as good as everyone says it is... and if u didnt notice lindsay got her boob job done while they were filming that movie... why the heck am i telling u guyz this??? once agian... please do not become offended by my homosexuel journal entrys...its wut i do when im bored out of my mind. yah i misss emrox terrribly... im about to leave to church in 3 minutes and i havent done my hair or even finished dressing or brushing my teeth. yah so, some of you pppl will know wut i mean when i say i decided to step up and sort of believe in myself... at least i can see how everthing turns out... you know? who am i even asking "you know?" o man... i think im becoming physcoligically challenged and its all becuz i havent seen my homme girl EMROX jk... on friday i almost got us (me and emily) both free drinks at caribou but then she found 5 bucks in her back pocket and screamed it out loud so then the ppl kneew we had $$$$. but then the lady at the cashier was so nice that she gave us a oreo cooler for free!!!! one for emrox and one for me! so we rote her a thank u card and colored it and then we put this tanning lotion and card (that I obviuosly dont use) in "the" card that i found in my binder... so we put that in there too... and then i told the hot guy cashier thati hated him cuz he didnt give me and emrox free drinks but he knows me and i sure as hell stalk him lol jk sick hes like 30 but a HOTT THIRTY YEAR OLD okay ewww enough of that. o man does emrox have a live journal i should find out!!!!!!!!!! bye bums