Does the last person you shared a bed/couch with mean anything to you?
- Yup, pretty much.. <3 And it was nice, by the way... xP
Can you handle the truth?
- Nope... not in general... it takes me a long time to realise something...
Do you kiss a lot of people?
- Uuuhm... depends? Like.. on the cheek.. yeah... Lips... some... and really kiss.. only one..
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
- In my own little world where the US and Germany are in the same country... oh... or maybe in Korea...
Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
- Pretty much... I'm soooo angry... >___>
Would you rather have loved and lost, or never have loved at all?
- Well.. just for the experience... loved and lost... because being in love is nice... losing it isn't... but shit happens...
Have you ever streaked across a football field?
- I've never come close to a football field... ^o^*
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
- About every second... because I even have bad thoughts about people I actually like..
Who do you trust the most in your life?
- My cat, because I know it won't tell my secrets to anybody else... aaand... my mum, I guess...
Who has hurt you the most?
- My former best friend who I don't talk to anymore... And think she knows she's meant...
Are there some songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone?
- Yup... Die Toten Hosen - "Herz brennt", Sportfreunde Stiller - "Ein Kompliment" they remind me of a very stupid girl...
- And Die Aerzte - "Gib mir Zeit" because sending lyrics to somebody isn't actually a nice way to break up...
Are you happy with where you are relationship wise now?
- Uhm... Almost I guess? There are still some things that bother me.. (like... other peoples exgirlfriends n stuff)
How long ago did you hug someone?
- When I said goodbye to grandma about three hours ago I think...
Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker?
- Coffee... I like some alcohol, but coffee is better... u__u although it makes your teeth ugly... T__T
Do you find it easier to forgive or forget?
- I do both a lot... but for a person like me with such a bad memory it's easier to forget...
Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
- Uhm.. yup.. and it was fun.. xD 'cept for it was on a railroad and I tried to get the person to move...
What gets you happy?
- Some belongings, some people, being the center of attention for a short time, music can make me happy and sad... aaand... comedy in general..
Do you know anyone who's addicted to any drugs?
- I don't know if she's addicted... mh... I think she just likes to take 'em... and... do alcoholics count? than yes...
Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
- I was K.O.ed... But I think the last thing I did was playing Pokemon... so probably...
Where did you sleep last night?
- On this stupid mattress on the floor... for the last time in this house.. <3
What was the highlight of today?
- Uhm... Nothing yet... or maybe waking up, being alive... yeah, that was cool... and taking a shower...
Do you hate anyone?
- Hate is a big word... But I guess so... yup... even though It's more like "not approving the life style of this person".
Do they know who they are?
- I think so? I'm not sure though...
When was the last time you bought something?
- Oh.... uhm... from my own money? Otherwise it waas... the Instyle Magazine with Cameron Diaz on the Cover... From my own money... Shampoo?
Have you ever told someone you love them?
- Yup... I actually do it all the time... I say it to my mum and dad, my granny... uhm... my babe, my best friends... Guess the words don't mean that much to me... I'm 16, hello?
Do you play an instrument?
- The Recorder? ^o^ okay.. real instrument.. I cant play the Piano and the guitar... but I'm not good at all xD
Is there anyone you call baby?
- A hell lot of people... At the moment Eeteuk, Sungmin, Kangin and Heechul... and everytime a person is sad and I try to cheer them up I say stuff like "Baby", "Sugar", "Honey"... and so on...
In the next 4 months, what are you looking forward to most?
- Meeting some old friends... and maybe some new friends? And getting a new haircut.. yaaay...
Have you ever got naked at a party?
- Liiiiike... fully naked in front of people? Nope... Or like "Did you take off your clothes at the location of the party?" Yes.. when it was new years even and somebody barfed on me... O_o
Does a kiss make you feel better when you're angry?
- Depends... when my mommy kisses me on the forehead yes... When my babe does it, or other people who just want me to calm down... no.. it makes me even more angry... same goes for sadness and crying.
Is your phone within a meter radius of you?
- I don't actually know, where it is right now, but I think at the hotel... so no... maybe in a 1 mile radius... yes...
What are you wearing?
- Tanktop (green with white polkadots), Tee (white with blue and grean hearts), Jeans... and underwear... duh...
Are you doing this just because you're bored?
What is bothering you right now?
- That I'm practically movin right now...
I'll bet you miss someone right now?
- I miss friends from germany and from the US... ugh... hate that...
Are you high?
Who else is in the room with you right now?
- I hope it's only me... but you can't be sure, right?
Do you have any enemies?
Ever fell in a hole?
- Literally? Yup... a few times... I must be stupid...
What last made you sad?
- That I'll not see many people I like for a long long time...
Where did you last sleep other than your house?
- O__o uhm..... A hotel in Austin.. and it is about half a year ago...
Uh holy Jesus... moving isn't as exciting as I thought it would be.... ~.~