LJ meme - put off for a while

Jan 26, 2010 15:06

NAME: To Govt departments & the like: Julie Lysette. Known most commonly as Lysette. I think this is because I make sure that people don’t assume the ‘Lyz’ is short for Elizabeth. There are enough Elizabeths in the world already!

AGE: at time of writing - 38. My mum has this anecdote about me introducing myself “I’m Lysette and I’m a piscies!” - which considering I had a horrendous lisp at the time must have been cute, if barely understandable. I’ve been working on the ‘barely understandable’ ever since

LOCATION: Queenwood, Hamilton. Been here over 18 months. I LIKE not moving house. I would like a bit more shade in summer however, and renting is a ‘have to’ situation I intend remedying.

OCCUPATION: QC technician at DEC manufacturing. Our department is anything that’s not production-, lab-, engineering-, or research- specific - it’s ours. I reckon if we put a pedometer on everyone in the facility, we’d outdo every other team by spades.

KIDS: One, female, adorable, 8 year old, extremely good natured.

BROTHERS/SISTERS: My older bro Stu is my intro to geek-dom, although he has a fairly broad taste and is kinda shallow in his geekery. Gadgets are his thing, and he’s a bit of a movie buff and genre novel geek as well. Everyone loves Stu and I’m amazed at how easily he makes friends.
We had foster brothers & sisters growing up, but I’ve pretty much lost touch with them, although both Peter and Tabitha are my siblings in my heart.

PETS: I’ve got a little cat and I’m really fond of that, but I’d rather have a bow-wow (ok, both)

3-5 THINGS GOING ON IN MY LIFE: Attempting to de-clutter house, deciding what I’m seeing at the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival 19 Feb - 4 Mar (who’s coming to the opening concert with me?), visiting osteopath & attempting to put his recommendations into practice.

PARENTS: Ashley and Sue Reid. Dad was a local government manager/town clerk who now drives buses part-time. Mum was a country school principal (ie everything to everyone in the district) and now relief teacher at Ohaupo. Big with birdwatching and guiding nature walks - Maungatautari, Miranda shorebirds, and Tiritiri Matangi.

CLOSE FRIENDS: This is a problematic question - who are ‘close’? Who do I see most often? Who would I like to see more often? Who bothers to make time for me? Who do I ‘like’? Whose personalities are most like mine or conversely most complimentary to mine?
Arbitrarily, at this moment in time & in no particular order: Scott, Sally, Hazel, Robert, Ruth, Sue, Wayne.
Others are ‘friends’, even ‘good friends’, some ‘acquaintances I need to get to know better’, others ‘should be friends on paper, but never got there’. Here endeth the high school popularity contest..
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