4th day of my birthday month!

Sep 04, 2009 11:44

wahhh, I feel so bad for not updating for 4 days! haha. My 55 year old self will slap my 23 year old ass for not updating. Cos when I’m 55 I want to know what happend on the 1st of september right? Why wasn’t the blog updated? My phone line has been cacat for the past 3 days. No phone line, no internet. so sad.

Anyways. I am at work now and boss just told me Monday’s a public holiday for peeps in Subang! AWESOME POSSUM! She also just left, leaving me in the office aloneeeeee…

I am so tempted to go to Subang Parade to eat lunch and walk around. But. I don’t want to spend money lahh. haihs. I just spent so much over the merdeka weekend. HAHA. Just when I thought I had wahh, so much savings..then I spent so much. sheesshh. I seriously need to open a new account and bank in the money in another bank.

Maybe I shall just do my work finish…then go home…But I do need to go to a magazine shop to check out travel magazines. I actually did this already. Saved the info on my phone and when I changed phone, the draft just went missing! DANG! bodoh betul. All my information goner. Maybe I shall leave at 4 ish to go check out magazines instead.

Owh. what shall I eat for lunch. I hate lunching alone! haihs. I should’ve brought my mooncake to work today. haha. I bought this 4 yolk white lotus paste mooncake from Lavender at Pavi. RM15, MAHAL SHIT. Haven’t had it yet. Waiting for the right mooncake craving. haha.I bought this Overseas Restaurant Mooncake with 4 yolks. HATED IT. I mean, the yolks are awesome and all..but the skin is so thick! omg…I hate thick skin.

I still love Tai Thong’s 2 yolks lotus paste. yums. They have the right amount of skin. HAHA.

Lookie at my piggy mooncake! So sayang to eat it…looked at it until the day ended and had it for supper. haha. This one too, had TOO MUCH skin. I guess they need the skin to craft the pig.

Owh wells. its going to rain.. I shall just ta pau food and watch youtube while eating.

Originally published at Pink Shoes. Please leave any comments there.

what i did today, ramblings, work

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