Sep 27, 2005 23:00
TheAngelzFury: Hey, Alyx?
OmniMaverick: Hey, Judy. Sup?
TheAngelzFury: Not bad, dude.
TheAngelzFury: Dude omfg, the craziest thing is happening.
OmniMaverick: Yeah? What's going on?
TheAngelzFury: Do you remember an Alita?
OmniMaverick: ...
OmniMaverick: o_o
OmniMaverick: Alita Morales?
TheAngelzFury: YES.
OmniMaverick: She moved here in 7th grade
OmniMaverick: And was my best friend.
TheAngelzFury: She's in my room right now.
TheAngelzFury: As we speak.
OmniMaverick: And she left again in 11th.
TheAngelzFury: She said the exact same thing.
OmniMaverick: She gave me my tag "Devil"
TheAngelzFury: omfg.
TheAngelzFury: speak to her.
OmniMaverick: She was Angel.
OmniMaverick: that's so weird.
TheAngelzFury: lol
OmniMaverick: Rofl lol.
TheAngelzFury: whats up
OmniMaverick: Alita?
OmniMaverick: Hey! How are you?
TheAngelzFury: yea i know yea this is me
TheAngelzFury: im good
TheAngelzFury: how are you?
OmniMaverick: That's good.
TheAngelzFury: shit isint this fuckin weirdf
OmniMaverick: Tired, I goto art school now.
TheAngelzFury: thats awesome
OmniMaverick: I guess. =P
TheAngelzFury: what kinda art are you into?
OmniMaverick: That's crazy that you know Ju.
TheAngelzFury: yea i know
OmniMaverick: I've known her for years.
TheAngelzFury: its so weird
OmniMaverick: It's kinda thanks to Diego, actually.
TheAngelzFury: i know she was tellin me that you guys met around the time that we met
TheAngelzFury: yea?
TheAngelzFury: omg she knows diego?
OmniMaverick: After what he did, I didn't know how to react to people, so I turned to the computer.
OmniMaverick: Nope.
TheAngelzFury: ooooh
TheAngelzFury: yea
OmniMaverick: She knows Nate Sullivan.
TheAngelzFury: that was a wack time
OmniMaverick: I don't know if you ever knew him.
TheAngelzFury: yea she told me
TheAngelzFury: thats how we got into it
OmniMaverick: What a fucking small world.
TheAngelzFury: i recognize his name
OmniMaverick: So how do did you meet her?
TheAngelzFury: but i saw a pic of him that i didnt recognize
TheAngelzFury: yea i know
TheAngelzFury: i got a fucking scholarship to college when i was in NY
OmniMaverick: Wow.
OmniMaverick: Congrats.
OmniMaverick: Cammy and I were talking about you last year sometime.
OmniMaverick: Just about how you were cool and we missed you.
OmniMaverick: I don't know if you remember Cammy.
TheAngelzFury: lol aw
TheAngelzFury: thakn you
OmniMaverick: <3
TheAngelzFury: you were madd cool alyx
TheAngelzFury: yea i do
TheAngelzFury: but we parted ways in HS
TheAngelzFury: like everyone
OmniMaverick: Yeah.
OmniMaverick: Lol.
OmniMaverick: I started that shit at the end of 8th grade.
OmniMaverick: People still talked to me though. *lol*
OmniMaverick: Everyone still knew me.
TheAngelzFury: lol
TheAngelzFury: yea
TheAngelzFury: youre very unique
TheAngelzFury: seriously
OmniMaverick: Wo0t! :D