Oct 07, 2008 03:19
Well it finally happened. They finally canned me. Carrols Corporation/Burger King fired me for sleeping on the job. Let's not forget I have sleep apnea.
I'm researching if it can be classified as a disability, and if so, I may be able to file a discrimination claim against them through the EEOC. We'll see.
sleep apnea
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But she's also told me that since I can't have a sleep study done, I may not be able to be declared disabled.
So I guess we'll see. Miss you :)
Was your company aware of the issues? Cuz that could be the make it or break it..specially if there was paperwork..paperwork makes a world of difference.
Miss you too love!
My previous physician diagnosed me with it, and wrote on a slip of paper that I have sleep apnea, and I had showed it to my manager and personally put it in my file.
Now I just need to get a copy of that.
Your doctor could verify everything and give you copies I'm sure if you can't get the orginal copied. Date of diagnosis..
I would definately file for unemployment when you get all your shit together. Worst case scenario they deny your claim and they do give you a chance to fight it or they ask you a bunch of questions to determine everything. Thats worth a shot at least til you get another job or the filing a claim with EEOC.
As far as the EEOC, call them when you get all your paperwork and talk to someone. They can give your more information. Its never to bad to have to much info right?
just my two sense..
Thanks a ton, hon. I really appreciate your support :D
Not a problem hun. I'm sitting in a similiar boat. So don't worry..
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