August Fic a Day Challenge - 20 Août 09

Aug 20, 2009 23:40

Title : From Sunnydale with Love - 2
Author : Lyveah
Rating : FR15
Crossover : BtVS/Anita Blake
Disclaimer : All characters and universe presented here belong to their original owners. Anita Blake, before Damian arrives in St Louis and Buffy between season 6 and 7.
Word Count : 472
Summary : Same series as "House of Love" and "Correspondence". Xander answer Willow.

From :
To :
Subjet : re-"Day 4"

Dear Willow,

No rain in Scotland ? Strange !! Are you sure that you are in the right place ?? Checks, we never know... ^__^

This is indeed a nice house. A very different trend of the house build here in Sunnydale... but I can suppose that it fit well in the landscape.
Here, the effect would be juste strange... by architectural comparison, this style of house seems to be much more interesting that the house which are build nowadays... Can you please take photos of the outside and the inside of this place ? I would like make some research about this tyle.

I am happy that you feel at ease with your hostess.
You are the only person I know, who is able to find a computing "job" in the middle of the scottish countryside. This is a good thing that you go back to it and that you begin new hobbies...  Detach yourself a little from magic, or approach that in a different way, as this young woman seems to do, can enable you to find your path and succeed to control yourself.Or, at least, to accept your powers as they are and to "tame" them.

You know that I think of the traditionnal ways of learning... and, let's be realistic, the magic is not as the science. You can not memorize all of that and predict the results that you will get.
I think that you just need to find your path and a mean to use your powers which is personal to you. ANd in order to find that, you must test new things... this is an ideal solution.

It is a good thing that she is so connected with nature, she must be very well acquaintes with the surrounding landscape. An advantage for you, she does not disturd you in the future, when you want to be alone or  simply go for a walk around. It is a chance for you, you must take advantage of his knowledge and visit firstly his "best" places. At the beginning, this is the best way to discover the region.

Do not panic for this "lessons". If the method that your "teacher" proposes to you does not work, you will test another.. until you find the one ! It is not catastrophic.
Frankly, I do not think that you will adopt one of their methods. But the purpose is that you learn the foundation of meditation in order to create your own method. It is a very personnal discipline. Each person who pratics meditation must adapt the method at themself.
So, do not worry if you are not immediatly successful. You have all the time of the world !!

I work early tomorrow, so good night.
I love you,

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