Sybil / Bring It Back.

Sep 27, 2012 02:11

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Оказывается << Sybil>> - это не певец по имени Сибил , а рок-группа из Техаса, города Остина, а как же иначе...

А здесь можно долго слушать и наслаждаться их песнями не отходя от сайта

Sybil is an Austin based rock band. They kick ass. They kick lots and lots of ass. They have even been known to occasionally go ninja on said ass.

If you want to know more, may we suggest getting a life. But if you insist on knowing more, continue reading our bio below. It was written by a crack team of the best bio writers in the world and according to their algorithms, this bio is guaranteed to make you crave the manly pheromones of Sybil 24/7. So if you are so inclined, continue at your own risk.

Some bands claim to sound unlike anyone else. Some bands claim to have a wide variety of influences. Some bands claim they don’t suck. Rarely are any of these statements true. Fortunately for the rock n’ roll loving public, Sybil has come to save the day.

Sybil is an Austin, TX, based band that can best be described as the bastard offspring of Prince, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Led Zeppelin, Foo Fighters, Queen, Tenacious D, The Cars, U2, Living Colour, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Fishbone and several other amazing musicians and bands that only a paternity test could verify.

After having their amazing catalog of music featured on MTV’s The Real World, the independent film Sexless and college radio stations all across Texas, Sybil was asked to contribute a cover of The Scorpions classic Wind of Change to the award winning film In Search of a Midnight Kiss set for worldwide distribution through IFC Entertainment and Vertigo Films this summer. And if that wasn’t enough, Sybil released their debut album, Cold Drink, in April.

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Sybil performs "LJBF" live in Austin's Musiclab studios.

Sybil is: Robert Murphy, vocals/rhythm guitar; Ryan Craig, drums; Gordon Kahan, lead guitar; Billy Murphy, vocals/harmonica; Rob Sides, bass.

Visit Sybil online at

in search of a midnight kiss, sybil, музыка, кино, wind of change, фильмы

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