Nov 26, 2008 20:54
Oh my god, I had a fantastic weekend!
Neill had decided to do a mini-convention at his house in Rugby, just like Danny's Newtcon in the spring, so I invited Bob over and we both joined in. It was great fun. Friday night Ben ran a zombie game, which I didn't get that into as I hate zombies, but it was still fun to listen to everyone being their characters, and Ben came up with a great setting for the plot.
We missed out on Saturday morning because the cows upstairs were playing their tv at top volume until nearly 5 (possibly in retaliation for me calling the police on them last friday) so I called the police on them (again) and then Bob went up and had words and they shut up. So that was a shame as we missed the Warhammer game, but got there in time for a very brief D+D game in which Nat nearly made me choke on a lolly (more on that later). Then in the afternoon, Nat ran his Top Secret game, in which he'd noodled the spies/ cold war theme and set the game in New York in 1932 and we were all in the mafia. We each got a secret document, telling us something we had to keep from the others. Mine said that I was actually an NSA agent and that I was to get out, but there was another agent in the organisation who wasn't aware of me and who's identity had been uncovered, and I had to figure out which of the others was him and get him free. We all had a surprise at the end of the game, as we found out that all but one of us had actually been members of various intelligence agencies and were spying on each other! That was one of the best one-off games I've ever been in, and Nathan even accessorised us; he got little plastic fedoras and guns from a joke shop :) And I got to play with a tommy gun, even though that was only in character.
Sunday morning, Bob and I arrived to find several pale faced young men in various stages of hangover, having left them in the pub the night before, but they weren't too head hurty to play Judge Dredd. Shane struck again, with a fun plot that involved lots of shooting and some rubber-coated fat people bouncing around a shopping centre, having robbed a bank (it made perfect sense in context). All in all, it was a great weekend, and I'm very grateful to Neill for hosting us all.
And now...quotes! From the weekend and several previous games of Pendragon.
Nat; 5 is butt ugly so...I've got an arse on my face.
Danny; If you can peel an apple without cutting your hand off, you can be a knight. Makes me proud.
Nat; I've got loads and loads of artillery.
Ben; In your pants!
(Discussing Rapid Fire)
Danny; The lord we were supposed to meet hasn't turned up, but he's sent a ponce in a box.
Ben; He's got a colt with a tongue like a rubber truncheon.
(Top Secret, discussing Neill's obsession with his plastic gun)
Nat; I've been listening to rumours.
Ben; What rumours?
Nat; I've not heard any yet.
(Top Secret)
Danny; They call me Snake. I've got a massive reptile collection.
(Top Secret)
Nat; (upon finding that his D+D character had been cornered by two kobolds, one in front, and one behind him) Shit! they're going to spit roast me!
This is what made me choke on the lolly.
Bob; Fly, Fatass, fly!
(Judge Dredd, see above re bouncing fat bank robbers)
Shane; Are you still aiming at that guy you shot in the ass?
Neill; Yeah, but this time I'm firing an incendiary charge.
Lucy; Let's hope he doesn't fart.
Neill; He'd just die even more spectacularly.
Ben (singing); I fell down in a burning ring of fire...
(Judge Dredd)
...and later
Neill; I'm still trying to get this guy in the ass. If you'll pardon the expression.
(Judge Dredd)
I <3 lack of context!