Aug 12, 2008 17:08
And I'd only just gotten used to the old one!
This is so damn freaky. I was all sure I'd get it until the day of the interview when I was so sure I'd screwed up and wouldn't get it. So I was just waiting for the letter to come, telling me no, when it arrived today and I thought 'this is a big envelope for a no'. And I was right! It was a yes! But I feel so nervous about it, as it's in Birmingham and I'm going to want to move house, and I've got to try and get everything in order at Rugby before I go, and I've been educated about MARC and AACR2 and Sears, but never used them, and I've never had an office job before an I've never lived in a city before and I'm petrified! But I know that if I don't take it I'll regret it, and I've been wanting to get out of Rugby and closer to my family for ages, so I'll just give it my best shot and if it doesn't work out I can get something else. Throw myself in headfirst. Yeah
I feel kind of peeved because the postmark says the letter was only posted yesterday and the interview was on Thursday, so I'm pretty sure they offered it to somebody else first and they turned t down but hell, I don't mind being second choice, I have a new job!
It's for a company called Peters Bookselling Services who supply books for libraries and school library services. I'll still be working as a librarian, but the job is mainly buying stock to certain specifications on behalf of various customers and reading and reviewing new stock on the website for the use of customers who buy their own stock. I'll need some brushing up on cataloguing but they've said they'll give me sufficient training. I'll also need to go out every now and then to other libraries and deliver training on using the website and how the company works and such, which I think would be fun, and they'll train me for that too. It's like the aspects of my current job that I like most, all the time!
I feel so wired, so I'm not going to even think about it any more until tomorrow morning when I talk to Corinne about it, but jeez I'm happy. Happy and terrified.