Watch this video

Jul 06, 2009 10:10

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"This is a story about mental pressure.In this story,the kids are constantly forced to bury themselves into their endless homework by those giant monsters behind them.The children's brains are filled with water that can be heated by tension.If a kid is overstressed,the water in their brain would boil and produce steam,which becomes the food of the greedy monsters and the energy of the whole city.Thus,those poor children repeat their lives day after day, serving as the powerplant of their world,spending their childhood in tragic misery......" - Official synopsis

A Chinese group made this animated short, and it's pretty awesome. There is no dialogue, so you don't need to know Chinese to watch it, and the message is pretty clear. I love the end theme, it's pretty and it's meaningful.

片尾曲: 成长 - 季艾俐

成长的道路上 从来不曾知道
我们也会去烦恼去思考 那朦胧的世界

金色的阳光里 充满着孩提时
带着翅膀遨游的梦想 一起去快乐飞翔

似乎这一切并不似非常遥远 去奔跑 去幻想

看着天空方向去歌唱 自由的想象
只想现在我可以 一次一次坚强执着

看着天空方向去歌唱 自由的想象
只想现在我可以 一次一次坚强执着

pimping this because i like it.

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