Jan 31, 2010 23:15
So last night/this morning at 1am, I shuffled over to Gurubashi Arena to see if I could get my paws on another Arena Master trinket for an achievement. What did I find when the chest was put up?
A wee little gnome. A level 19 twink rogue, hoping to get a trinket. I'm a level 80 druid with tier gear and a shoveltusk stick.
I was after an achievement, so I wasn't about to just let some rogue take what I also wanted; not without a fight, anyway. Especially an alliance rogue. Especially a gnome. I ate her good, then looted my trinket, ready to be on my merry way. Well, I forgot to loot the trinket out of the box the first time, so I had to loot it twice.
Then before I could climb out of the arena... what did I encounter but the same little rogue trying to stab me.
In the words of Jaraxxus: Trifling gnome! Your arrogance shall be your undoing!
When you see a lion coming at you and she's 61 levels higher than you, you do not attempt to stab it. Appropriate responses are as follows:
1. Run the fuck away. You might survive this way.
2. Lay down. It'll save you the trip.
3. Get in the car. Because when one sees a lion, one must get in the car.
Trifling nom.
world of warcrack