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Feb 18, 2010 00:05


I got Ace Attorney Investigations today, and it is fucking awesome. I'm only partway through the third case as of now, and am about to fall asleep, but hrrng, I hope to finish this game by Friday at the very latest. Needless to say, I did very little else this evening, but, yeah. It was worth it.

1) I like how the first case actually relates to the rest of the game, and the tutorial is something other than 'lols, you n00b/amnesiac, what are defendant do'. Gumshoe seems so determined to outline Edgeworth's own thinking patterns to the man himself.

2) I am unsure if I want to ship Gumshoe/Edgeworth or Gumshoe/Maggey more right now. Gumshoe's fear of guns seems a bit...off, however, considering how eager he was to show Pearl his gun and stuff in earlier installments - I feel that whenever he's around the prosecutors, he's truly a buttmonkey.

3) But okay, seeing him call Franziska and Edgeworth, collectively, as 'sirs' will never fail to amuse.

4) SPEAKING OF FRANZISKA. I grinned so hard when her Great Revival music came on, although she still seems to have a great delusion where it comes to her whole Daddy issues thing. Really, Franziska? You could simply not see the day where a 'disciple of the house Von Karma' was a criminal? I mean, they may simply be following by example! 8Db

5) Also on a Franziska note. I remember people making a big deal about how little she whipped Edgeworth in the Phoenix arc, and how this was indicative of something in the way they related to each other. Clearly, this is not the case, as Edgeworth gets so, so, whipped during the second case.

6) Another observation on, you guessed it, Franziska: who gave Franziska von Karma a fucking thesaurus. I mean, no, seriously! A little bit after she appeared in the game, her speech patterns seemed somewhat...off, to me, and I don't know if it's because I've noticed fandom tends to over do it, but it seriously feels like she is using the word 'fool' and its beautiful variations a lot less. Like, almost on a Manfred level, although she does have one of those sentences where she endeavours to use it like, eight times. By the time she uttered her line about villains vilifying, however, I was seriously starting to wonder if...yeah, she'd invested in a thesaurus.

7) Okay, I'm intent on analysing the hell out of these two lines at the next available opportunity (by Franziska: WHO ELSE):

"Until only a little while ago, I was but a wretched mutt who was always losing to you.
A dancing pierrot living her life on the name and fame her invincible father built!"

(In which Miles's response was something like, '...He's not invincible', and I was suddenly reminded of Discedo.)

8) I really love all the side-characters, which is a refreshing change from Apollo Justice, where most of the side-characters made me want to punch things. I feel so sorry for Rhoda, ffff, does she seriously spend TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS on a suitcase every time she works? Where does someone get that kind of money from? (And later, Edgeworth tells Gumshoe - or is it Gumshoe to Edgeworth, that 'someone would have to work two jobs to get that sort of money'. I THINK THEY HAVE THEIR SUSPICIONS.

9) Edgeworth gets tied up a lot in this game. On one hand, this is probably some attempt at fanservice, but his pose when he's tied up is so hilarious I'm willing to forgive it. And he's always interrogated by some pretty young girl when it happens, too, and he remains totally oblivious.


...kind of want Franziska to tie him up. 8|

10) I want someone to like, make an Ernst journal and name it idkmybffmanfred.

ERNST: (Upon being shown Edgeworth's badge.) You are truly worthy of being Manfred's disciple! You'll be just like him!

11) For some reason, the thought of Franziska running around with Interpol makes my Franziska muse happy, but yeah, her speech patterns seem...really quite different. I will refrain from further judgement until I play the rest of the game, but if I do go through with plans to app her post-Investigations somewhere, she's going to be slightly altered. Mmm, delicious new canon yes. Needs moar Manfred. 8|

12) Speaking of all this talk of 'Von Karma disciples' and such just gives me this ridiculous mental image of perfection and the von Karma way being some sort of religious order.

13) God, yeah, Fran, what's with your speech patterns. I MUST ADMIT IT WARMED MY HEART WHEN SHE CALLED HIM MILES THAT ONE TIME THOUGH. ♥

14) You know what makes my heart sad, though? Ema proclaiming she's going to become the best forensic scientist ever. :C

TL;DR: Franziska, why can't I quit you. B| It is so very rare for me to just become...enthralled with a character the way I did with her, but I think she's gonna be a favourite for a while to come.

franziska is like a drug, fandom: ace attorney

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