Mar 12, 2012 01:13
So over the last month or so I've started scouting wedding and wedding reception locations.
Please note I am not engaged... yet but I've been told by the man I love that when he has the money he's buying me a ring, thus the pre-emptive (sp?) on wedding plans.
So Martin has only given me two stipulations. No church and an outside ceremony.
Now the no church thing I understand perfectly, he's wiccan by way of faith and a church ceremony wouldn't suit him and frankly I won't swear in front of god to obey my husband in all things. Love, honour and cherish is not a problem but lets just say I'm not submissive enough for the other one.
Now the outdoors part poses a slight problem as he doesn't want anywhere in the city but also wants something within whatever our budget will be and if possible to have the reception at or near by. So far I'm thinking public park and maybe a picnic reception.
So far these sorts of planning and researching things have fallen to me a) because well... I started it and b) the boyo doesn't seem to have special intraweb searching powers that I do (or so he claims)
Now I will drive myself slightly insane trying to fulfill some of these requirements and maybe keep our future wedding on a shoestring.
I am very tempted to have a picnic for a wedding reception
hapless menfolk,