Amendment 26 in Mississippi

Oct 13, 2011 23:43

I read, through Tamora Pierce's LJ, about Amendment 26 in Mississippi.

Which if you've seen my facebook tonight you would have seen the slew of links I've posted up.

I have to stopping searching for more news about it right now mostly because I don't believe I'll sleep untill the wee hours of the morning otherwise.

Here are a couple of links to get you in the loop for whoever still reads this thing,
Occupy my uterus my ass. Fertilised eggs are not people

Basically from what i understand about the bill the Democratic party in Mississppi is trying to pass the bill will state that life starts at conception. A fertilised egg that has not attached to the uterus is a life and therefore the destruction of said life/person is murder.

I don't think that I can truly put into words how horrendous I find this, Not to mention that all the hard work that has been done over the last century to grant women the freedom over our bodies that should have been in place from the get go.

The ACOG article makes a really good summary at the end of the article in regards to the results of a Yes or No vote on this Bill. The 'Occupy my Uterus' article goes into some of the potential extreme results regarding the effects of this bill should it pass.

I pray it doesn't but I fear it will.

I believe what incites my fury and tears at the same time in regards to this issue is that I believe with unshakable faith that as thinking breathing human beings we have choice. Our options of choice may not necessarily be the best or right but we have choice. And that an entire government would seek to subjugate all women and take away that right to chose makes my blood boil.

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