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Mar 24, 2009 10:26

I have found the best explanation of "being in love" to be C.S. Lewis' take on it from "The Four Loves"

"Eros (έρως) is love in the sense of 'being in love'. This is distinct from sexuality, which Lewis calls Venus, although he does spend time discussing sexual activity and its spiritual significance in both a pagan and a Christian sense. He identifies eros as indifferent. This is good because it promotes appreciation of the beloved regardless of any pleasure that can be obtained from them. It can be bad, however, because this blind devotion has been at the root of many of history's most abominable tragedies. In keeping with his warning that "love begins to be a demon the moment [it] begins to be a god", he warns against the danger of elevating eros to the status of a god." - wikipedia sums it up. =)

In this way, I have loved many, not all of them women either.  It is that part of you that desires to go on thinking of them, because they are simply...wonderful.  And you cannot always explain why they're wonderful.  They just are!  It can be frustrating and miserable at times.  It should not be confused with acting out on any desire or lust.  In my case, being a married man, this would never be what I want anyway.  My wife and I both understand and appreciate eros in our lives, both with each other and the other 'beloveds' that enter into our adventure.  Those feelings, if governed correctly, can only increase our hearts and love for one another.

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