[ May ] [ Post Twenty-eight ] Slash

May 12, 2008 21:34

Note: The archive is down for updates right now as I'm changing my sorting system to something that will facilitate my occasionally anal retentive sorting habits. Until then, the updates LJ will have to work as a stand-in. ^^;;

Fall Out Boy: 6 fic
Fruits Basket: 1 fic
My Chemical Romance: 3 fic
Panic at the Disco: 5 fics
Petshop of Horrors: 1 fic
XXXHolic: 2 fic

Panic at the Disco
but you could (follow me) by Maleyka
Jon/Spencer :: 8400 words :: Mature :: Character :: Romance: Falling in Love
Spencer doesn't actually remember the very first time he sees Jon Walker. Probably it's backstage after a show, dripping with sweat and buzzing with adrenaline; probably Jon's the one who hands him a bottle of water Spencer takes with a 'thanks' and without so much as a sideway glance.
Spencer and Jon are utterly, utterly adorable in this fic and it gets multiple plus points for handling Brent well. ^^ I love the moments it shows of their relationship and the way you can almost feel Spencer's distraction when Jon is in the vincinity.

Panic at the Disco
the calendar hung itself by sinuous_curve and flickerofyou
Jon/Brendon :: 15,300 words :: Mature :: AU :: College :: Romance: Coming Out
In which Jon is a frat boy (and Brendon changes everything).
I can't really say if I hurt the most for Brendon or Jon in this one (actually, it might even be for Travis, whom absolutely rules), but it's nevertheless a story that reaches inside you. It ends a little abruptly for me, but I liked it anyway.

Constants by laniew1
Bob/Ryan, Patrick/Pete, Gerard/Frank :: 300 words :: AU :: Changing
Psychics were few and far between. For every one there was at least 150 trained Constants (that wasn't counting the untrained Constants that could sometimes sneak in and lure a Psychic away).
A real short piece, but it grabbed my attention straight away with its details and delicious little snippets of the fates of other bandom characters.

Panic at the Disco
The First Rule of Ballroom Dance Club Is... by Rhombal
Brendon/Ryan, Jon/Spencer :: 8100 words :: AU :: College :: Dancing
"Not this kind of dancing," Ryan amends quickly, his hand waving at the main floor where people are dancing the waltz. The waltz. It's like the ballroom is an alien planet; he really has no idea what he's doing there.
Also known as the fic that sent me straight to youtube to watch some dance videos. I loved the way the dancing was incorporated in the fic, the way it was written and so much a part of the characters. (I miss my dance classes... T.T )

Panic at the Disco
Sings like she runs by liketheroad
GSF :: 5200 words :: Romance: Misunderstandings
Always been a girl!Spencer in a shitty van with her boys. Life ensues.
This one pushed all my little angst buttons and sent me straight a gleeful cloud nine. I'm beginning to really like these always-been-a-girl/boy fics and this is a fun (angsty) little piece of pure entertainment.

Fall Out Boy
A Common Understanding by Joyfulseeker
Patrick/Pete :: 25,000 words :: Mature :: AU :: Scifi :: Romance: Harlequin
Patrick has one chance to save his brother, but will he pay the price?
My first reaction to this one was, predictably, 'ooooh, science fiction', which had me snuggled in to enjoy the next half an hour without really knowing what it was about. And the scifi parts are really good - you actually feel the difference between here and there and that's something that doesn't really happen with a lot of science fiction these days for some reason. The romance isn't bad either, if clichéed (but that's the whole point really). It isn't as angsty as it could be, and that's a huge plus. I ached for these two, I laughed with them and that's what I want in my fic.

Fall Out Boy
Find out what is means by Dira Sudis
Patrick/Pete :: 17,900 words :: Mature :: Character :: Broken
Patrick needs an adult. Pete isn't one.
I sat on the edge of my seat throughout this fic - the author keeps up the suspension, the tenseness of the situation throughout the fic and makes me feel what Pete feels. There was a couple of bumpy parts towards the end, but I really liked this anyway. But what makes me love this, is that Patrick is part of what broke Pete. And that's a pretty amazing concept.

Fall Out Boy
Men in caps by keenoled
Patrick/Pete :: 1900 words :: Romance: Fluff
"Pete was actually offered a position as a field agent, at first, but then they said they would have to erase his tats, and, yeah. That was pretty much it."
A short fic with a fun concept that I really liked.

Fall Out Boy
This is my rifle, this is my gun by stereomer
Patrick/Pete :: 9100 words :: AU :: Case!fic
Mistaken identities, high-speed car chases and a stack of ungraded papers. Patrick's weeks couldn't suck more. Except it doesn't.
A pleasant romp that feels a bit on the short side even though it's fun, fun, fun. Do check it out though.

Fall Out Boy
"we could make beautiful music together - 18 (Glenview)" by iphignia93
Patrick/Pete :: 8400 words :: AU
In which it's modern day, Pete is 23 and Patrick is 17 and they meet via craigslist.
A sweet fic that's refreshingly angsty without going over the top. Patrick and Pete are at their best and I'll remember Pete taking a chance that things weren't as fucked up as they may have been for a while yet.

My Chemical Romance
Five times Gerard dislodged himself, or, a history in reverse by softlyforgotten
Gerard/Frank :: 1500 words :: Character :: Timetravel
See title.
This fic is based on a really interesting concept that works remarkably well, especially the way it portrays the changes in Gerard through time and the way people react to the particular circumstances each time. It's one of those fics that stays in your mind long after you've read it and it's certainly one I will come back to over and over again.

My Chemical Romance
Conclusions by Bexless
Gerard/Frank :: 49,300 words :: Mature :: AU :: Romance: Falling in love/Misunderstandings
"Smokes," Mikey read aloud. "Likes dogs in case ever get one. Likes rock music. Likes loud rock music. Is interesting. Does not hog bathroom." He looks at Frank over the top of his glasses. "Dude, it's like you're meant to be."
I'm terribly weak for long, romantic stories with equal doses of sweetness and angst and that's what this fic gives me. Gerard and Frank is utterly adorable together (especially when threatened by the evil spiders from outer space) and the ending was perfect. ^^

Fruits Basket
The District Sleeps Alone by R.C. McLachlan
Hatori/Ayame :: 5600 words :: Amnesia
Happiness leads to sorrow leads to happiness.
I really like Hatori/Ayame fic when it's done right, and even if I haven't found the perfect fic yet, this one has been the closest so far.

Petshop of Horrors
Departed by Misuka
D/Leon :: 1500 words :: Changing
"Detective Orcot. It would seem that the rumors of your death have been greatly exaggerated."
I really liked this fic and the concept of Leon changing without D really having a hand in it. Plus it's always good when Leon gets a closer look at the supernatural than he really wants. ^^;;

Eat your heart out by rageprufrock
Doumeki/Watanuki :: 4100 words :: Romance: Falling in love
On Wednesday, Doumeki had a bento box with flowers on it.
The story of Doumeki and Watanuki getting together through bento boxes. How could you not read it?

Saving face by buttonsandblows
Doumeki/Watanuki :: 1200 words :: Romance: Falling in love
A shared eye means shared experience.
Should be read for the amusing concept presented in the fic, if nothing else. ^^

panic! at the disco, fall out boy, my chemical romance, petshop of horrors, xxxholic, fruits basket

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