[ June ] [ Post Twenty-two ] Gen

Jun 30, 2007 23:20

Note: It's official then: it will only be one post/month for the foreseeable future. Why? I've begun working evenings, which sucked up pretty much all my hobby!time.

Crossover: 2 fic
Doctor Who: 2 fic
Fullmetal Alchemist: 1 fic
Gundam SEED: 2 fic
Gundam Wing: 1 fic
House: 1 fic
Numb3rs: 1 fic
Pirates of the Caribbean: 2 fic
X-men: 1 fic

Gundam Wing
Hands by Oedipus Tex
No Pairings :: 21,100 words :: Outside PoV
"My brother is a Gundam pilot...and I said to myself, 'These are the hands of a killer.' The Preventers run a DNA analysis on a guy in the hospital, and find the Lang's lost family member. Can this guy, with his mood and secrets, really be their son?
The first fic, it feels like, in forever to really interest me in Heero as a character. Since I had my falling out with the 1x2 pairing, I haven't as much as looked at Heero-centric fic and to me it came as a great surprise that I loved this fic, considering it's as Heero-centric as a GW fic can be. But it's nevertheless a moving, rather realistic look at how a scenario like this would play out.

Gundam SEED
Trapped by Kuonji
No Pairings :: 2500 words :: Moments
"This is Athrun Zala from C block elevator 3. Our elevator has stopped unexpectedly. Requesting a status report." Milly looks at him strangely. Fancy reporting an elevator malfunction as if it were a battle log.
A short but interesting look at how life might be for Athrun towards the end of Gundam SEED.

Gundam SEED
Enemy Lines by Kuonji
No Pairings :: 3500 words :: Character
Dearka crossed his arms and gave La Fllaga a steady look. He saw both smugness and camaraderie on the OMNI officer's face, and Dearka was hard to put to decide which of the two he was feeling himself.
Dearka as a character has always fascinated me. By all means, he should be one of those minor characters you don't particularly care about, but somewhere between his all-suffering handling of Yzak and his time onboard the Archangel, I fell for him. Hard. This is a lovely view into the person he might be.

Doctor Who
Start Counting by Parrotfish
No Pairings (innuendo) :: 1300 words :: Moments
Why do we keep count of the things in our lives? A conversation between Martha and Jack.
I'm such a sucker for Martha fic, which, coupled with my affection for Jack, had me jumping at this fic. It turned out a thoughtful little piece, true to how I see the characters and just soft and warm in general.

Doctor Who
Wouldn't you like to get away by Doyle
No Pairings :: 1700 words :: FutureFic
Months after she left the Doctor, Martha gets a surprise visit.
Funny, sort of cute version of what might happen after Martha leaves the TARDIS. Not so sure it would happen, but nevertheless a fluffy feeling kind of read.

Crossover: PotC/Numb3rs
Family Secrets by Emony
No Pairings :: 400 words :: Character :: Crossover (Numb3rs/PotC)
Those five generations of military Grangers are all well and good. The big family secret? Well, the original Grangers are descended from the Turner line, those Turners.
...I had way too much fun with this crossover - it hit me in the exactly right spots. It somehow manages to connect the two sources somewhat believably and, well, it's so, I don't know, neat: Just check it out, will you? Oh, and there's plenty of sequels if you want to check them out.

Crossover: X-men/House
Mind over matter by npkedit
No Pairings :: 18,300 words :: Changing
The mutant telepathic attack on the world's population in X-men: united has some unusual repercussions at Princeton-Plainsboro.
I'm growing fonder and fonder of Chase as a character as I keep getting recced these Chase-centric plot!fics. Not that I'm complaning, but... *grins* Lovely insight to Chase with House added as a plus. And, you know, just *whee* .

Pirates of the Caribbean
Rederss the Lack by Kayliemalinza
No Pairings :: 500 words :: FutureFic :: Post-AWE
Yet another Will-and-James-on-the-Dutchman fic. Because you can't really have enough of them.
I'm still riding the wave of post-AWE fic feeling blissful (Pairings! There's pairings out there that's not Jack/Elizabeth again!). There seems to be plenty of Will and James on the Dutchman fic out there, with more coming out by the day. This is one of my favorite takes so far.

Fullmetal Alchemist
And Home once more by White Cat
No Pairings :: 12,000 words :: FutureFic :: Character
Roy Mustang becomes Fuhrer. Edward Elric reacts.
I really don't know where to begin with this one, because there's so many things I adored with it. The first moment I realized that this was a keeper, was probably when I realized where Ed began the fic. I love scholarly!Ed, especially in the desert for some reason. And then, as we follow him through the procedure of coming back and adjusting, I just kept loving it as the mood settled and the interactions gave me that shivery feeling of *gwee* you so seldom get while reading. It's, well, *gwee*.

doctor who, crossover, numb3rs, house, gundam wing, x-men, pirates of the caribbean, fullmetal alchemist, gundam seed

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