Mar 21, 2005 10:48
So dance team elections were last night. I got Vice president and I'm really excited about that. I didn't get practice leader though. I'm a little upset about it. I don't think that the person that got the position doesn't deserve it b/c I think she will bring a lot of new ideas to the team. I guess I just feel a little cheated. If the team doesn't think I should be practice leader, then why am I asked to make up any dance that pops up into the team. Whenever someone is stuck on choreography, why am I the first one to be consulted. I guess I just felt more important to the team when it comes to choreography and cleaning the dances than I thought. Maybe people didn't think i should hold two positions but I don't think that should be a deciding factor b/c practice leader is completely separate than the other eboard posisitons. I don't think that there should be a revote and I'm not talking against Kamilah at all. I geuss I just had to get out that I feel a little shitty about it and bummed out. But there are a few more years that I will be on the team so maybe in those couple years. sorry if any of you dance team girls see this and disagree. I would rather just get out my feelings and be done w/ it so that I can be the best VP and team member I can.
Today's a full day of classes. Gotta love monday's. I'm hoping my scratchy voice will hold out till French tonight so that I don't have to do my presentation. I have all my information and I'm ready to do the presentation but I'd rather have another week to practice. I'm pretty sure Dr. Barker could care less.
I should go to Ryder but my mondays are always so hectic and tiring. If not, I'll definitely go tomorrow. Maybe even another intense workout with a certain hottie ;).