Mar 18, 2009 16:33

Now that I've been promoted* I often find myself using my smarts, skills and knowledge to do many things in the office on a daily basis that are very different from things I did as a receptionist. Such as:

- Wandering around the store looking for things the owner can't be bothered to find himself (ie, today: a binder. Yup. Not even a binder with specific stuff in it. An EMPTY BINDER. Whatevs.)

- Completely avoiding contact with any person who is not a store employee by hiding in my office when not looking for things

- Reading a lot of fic while trying to look very busy. Keeping papers and price books on every available surface in my office and randomly clicking my mouse seems to help

- Having phone conversations with employees on the other side of the office in lieu of actually getting up

- Swear/Throw things at the owner's sons Oh wait no, I did that as a receptionist too. Oops.

- Listen to music on YouTube all day in my office / on my IPod when I'm in the showroom tagging items

Yup. There you go folks. My illustrious career. Of course there are days when I'm busy because a new shipment came in or the SALES PEOPLE decided again to RIP MY TAGS OFF and GIVE THEM TO THE CUSTOMER so they'll REMEMBER WHICH PIECE THEY'RE INTERESTED IN instead of WRITING IT ON PAPER LIKE A NORMAL PERSON... *hisses* Die, fuckers.

Erm, ahahaha... hahaha... ha. But, any ways. Yeah. I love my job. Really!

*it actually happened a couple weeks ago. I no longer have to answer the phones! EVER. I'm now in charge of pricing, tags, website maintenance and any design/graphics that need doing. Yay!

ETA: How sad is it that I didn't even notice my paid account and icons had expired until I tried to choose my icon for this post. Damn >_< and I've canceled my credit card, too.
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