BSG meta, again. Dee!

Feb 02, 2007 20:52

Actually, it's just a list. crankygrrl asked me why I liked Dee, and I started listing and then ended up filling out the alphabet. Thus, a seperate post. Anyone is free to add more reasons why she is awesome.
Spoilers through Taking a Break, most likely.

Why love Dee?

A. She's a chick. Anyone who's been around here for long is going to notice my fascination for girls, especially female characters in SF.
B. She's hot.
C. She's very matter of fact and direct.
D. She's a technician, not a pilot, but she still knows her shit (she put together Chief's comms systems for the blackbird), and can solder and do whatever's required. And pilot, with coaching.
E. When Adama asked to see her, looking for counsel, she gave it. She knew she could end up busted down and given the crap shifts for it, but she said it anyway.
F. She does her job. When they organized the communication posts on the algea planet, she opted, as the most experienced comms officer, to take the furthest point. When Lee ordered her and Fischer to rescue Kara, she did. She also didn't try to lie about how easy it would be. She didn't know if it was possible, but she didn't know that it wasn't, either.
G. This is personal fanon, but as far as I'm concerned, if you want anything done on the big G, you go to Gaeta or Dee. They know where shit is. I am personally convinced she's the one who got Starbuck into a dress, and also provided dresses for half the women in Colonial Day.
H. She's a good woman, trying to keep her marriage. Who, sadly, decided that she loved the idiot even if he didn't love her.
I. Fandom hates her. This is like dangling a carrot in front of me (there are exceptions to this rule: please see Diana Fowley of X-Files fame and Anise of SG-1 fame). A lot of the hate tends to come from Kara/Lee shippers because she gets in the way of their Vast and Abiding True Grand Passionate Love of the Ages.
J. She's not loud and flashy, but she has substance. I like having her on my tv.
K. She helped foment rebellion, and get Roslin off the big G. Back when we thought Tigh might have her shot.
L. She's a member of CIC, and I love the secondary support characters like mad, sadly, we get very little of them.
M. She was awesome in '33', despite losing the one ship. That was lost on purpose, anyway. She had to suck it up and move on, and she did it. A lesser officer wouldn't have cared, or would have folded and asked to be taken off duty.
N. She has a really beautiful smile.
O. When she gives her loyalty, she doesn't take it back. It remains, constant.
P. Valley of Darkness--one of the things I remember most, is her being found, all out of it and slightly broken.
Q. She's not afraid to speak her mind--kinda covered before, but VoD reminded me of her arguing about Zarek with Billy in Bastille DAy. And that was awesome.
R. Her dealings with Kara--she shuts her down during the briefing (and, I suspect part of it was that she was running the briefing by the book, expecting problems from Starbuck. Which she got.). And slapping Kara, during the raptor mission--which could be read as personal, but really felt more like she was doing her job. She's trying to save their asses, and Kara is rambling and falling asleep. So she hits her.
S. Speaking of which, she looks really sexy covered in dirt and sweat.
T. She is not perfect. She has her moments of insecurity, and lashing out at people (at Billy in VoD, and being unable to straight-out bitchslap Lee over the last several).
U. If she has another fault, she's too generous with herself--she puts up with Lee not being there, with Lee loving Kara.
V. She's grown, she's no longer the innocent little girl who smiled at Billy and then impetuously kissed him 'cause he was alive in the mini. She's a woman, with responsibilities and a life, and things she wants to accomplish.
W. She has a family that's been mentioned, although she was estranged, at the time of the attacks.
X. Doesn't take shit from anybody. Not even her husband (once she's hit the boiling point).
Y. Even though she wasn't entirely honest with Billy, she still tried not to lead him on--and she wasn't certain enough, either way. And I can respect that.
Z. She is the lifeline between the pilots and the CIC, and she does it well. She doesn't panic, not until it's over and she can cry into her coffee. (probably. I don't think we've seen her have a moment to do so)
AA. She is pocket-sized and muscley for my convenience.


rambling, dee is more awesome than you

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