SF...S?: The It's About Frakkin' Time edition

Jan 21, 2007 22:07

Dresden: Shiny!
Preview for next week: RON. WE REALLY DON'T CARE.

1. I'm now going to be accused of ripping off canon for two fics. For Caprica 'defecting' and getting locked up on the big G.
2. DEE. Marry me. Seriously. My one worry was that we were going to have some huge, annoying, Soap Opera Novel speech from her to Kara, and instead we got the line that's been everywhere, and her HITTING KARA. Oh, Dee. I love you.
3. SAM. So hot. So hot and dirty and all-around "this plan is stupid, but, whatever". Not to mention: the instant he saw his wife? He was up and hustling towards her. Slightly hesitant, but totally going, "Hey, baby." and then clinging to her. Because she was alive.
4. Kara. She said she loves Sam. She also said she hates him, but she said she loves him. So all of the fuckin' K/L shippers who keep saying she doesn't? Can shut the fuck up now. Although, really, the part where she lobbied and fought and finally convinced Sharon to figure out a way to go back for him, and then went back for him? Yeah. I'm down with calling that more proof of love.
5. Helo vs. Mom. OH HELO. I just. I love you SO MUCH, man.
6. CAPRICA. Your faith is so strong, it's such a pity, really. But you knew Sharon's intentions, I think. And you went along with them because Baltar and D'Anna have rather destroyed your faith in your own people.
7. Dear Athena, John Crichton would be proud of your plan.
8. Jean! She shot things and glared!
9. Sam threw bombs. Damn, that's hot. Can I have one?
10. *sarcasm* Oh, look. The last five....
11. Baltar in the body bag! And Chief knocking him out! Oh. Oh. Oh!
12. Dad is still pissed at Mom about the baby thing.
13. Caprica hitting Boomer, and then snapping her neck? YES. (I did, in fact, write something similar. There was just no Hera involved. DAMNIT RON.)
14. Oh, the star went nova. *yawn* Sparky, I told you not to put the 'gate in the sun!
15. Kara's Destiny. Can this be shoved out an airlock now? I fuckin' hate it. Have since the first, and shall all the way through to the end. If I want heroines with Destiny, I'll read Mercedes Lackey, kthnx. (although, at least most of hers try to kick Destiny in the balls. Kara seems to be grabbing it with both hands)
16. After the buildup in EoJ, this one seemed to move too fast and with little substance.
17. Except for The Hug. MY BROKEN OTP LIVES.
18. Seriously. omg. Hugging and clinging and, and. *happysigh*
19. Only spoiled by Ron's pasted on OTP of Kara/Lee Angsting At Each Other. *eyeroll*
20. I. Just. The second he saw her, he was off like a shot. And she didn't dodge him, didn't try to pull away or flinch, she grabbed him. And held on.
21. Poor Dee, however. Lee, who should have immediately thought, "Hey, Kara's here, where's my wife?" was standing there, watching Kara hold her husband like she wouldn't let go. I'm... surprised Dee didn't just walk away. I think I would have.


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