Picspam: The Story of Kara Thrace and Sam Anders..

Nov 29, 2006 23:23

Part the third. "We do not point guns at people!", Suicide Pacts and Pirates.

Please to note vague spoilers through season three.

1. In the beginning, they pointed guns at each other.

2. "Don't make me use this." "Like you would."

3. He stared intently.

4. She smirked. "You guys suck, you know that, right?"

Anyway. And then there was Pyramid and porn and she went away...

5. And he said, "Took you long enough."

6. And she smacked him and smiled madly, and looked damn cute and happy.

Unfortunately, the cylons are obnoxious, and chose that moment to attack, and so they ran for cover...

7. The latest in His and Hers battle gear...

8. "This is stupid." "Shut up."

9. "But it's quiet." "I'm not having sex with you in front of the marines."

10. "Fine." "Anyway. Sam, there's somethin' you gotta promise me..."

11. *confused* "Yeah?"

12. "I'm not goin' back to those farms, Sam. You gotta promise me. If they come, you shoot me dead, ok?"

13. Damn, she's more hardcore than he'd thought. "Yeah?"

14. "And I'll shoot you."

Luckily, for those of playing along at home, the Suicide Pact is never needed, as the cylons wander off to throw a garden party for the daleks (the cybermen cancelled on them, the bastards).

So, our heroes head back to the big G, where Sam is introduced to Dad.

15. "He followed me home, dad, can I keep him?"

16. "I'm Samuel T. Anders, and I'd like to marry your daughter, sir."

17. "Sam!" "Ok. She's a bit of a handful, though." "I like her like that. Yay!" "Hey! Don't I get a say in this?"

Moving on...

18. "So, I was thinkin' about space piracy."

19. "You and thinking? You sure about that?"

20. "C'mere." "'Kay."

21. "You just gotta think of it, this way..." "I'm too busy kissing you." "Right. Shutting up..."

22. "I'm thinkin' the table'd be good for sex." "Nah. It'll break."

23. Gratuitous Old Married Couple.

Who are, in fact, secretly pirates...

24. "Sam, hold still." "I am." "You're not." "Am, too." "You're groping me." "Hey! I can't help that, my hand settles naturally right, here. See?" "Sam, you are not groping me in this picture." "Yes, I am." "Not. C'mere." "Hey!" "Smile." *cameraflash* "You know, my other hand settles naturally, here." "Eep!" "And I could put my lips--" "Shut up and kiss me." *cameraflash* (we wish)

25. "No, you stand further away." "Why?" "Because you'll grope me again." "...Kara, I have fairly long arms. I don't need to be pressed up against you to grope you." "...bastard."

26. "Fine. Grope away." "Nope. I wanna show off how cool these look." "I could knee you in the balls right now." "And then there'd be no sex until at least next week." "You still have fingers. And a mouth." "And stubble." "I like your stubble." "I've noticed."

And then they went off and did some pillaging. And possibly sex against several surfaces.


hot people are hot tag, pairing:kara/anders (graphics)

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