Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you list 10 things you love that begin with that letter.
million_moments Gave me 'D'.
1. Domino! Seriously, man. How can she not be on my list of things I love beginning with 'd'? That would be like not having chocolate ever again. I love that she's no-nonsense and broken. I love that she and Aeryn Sun could talk about the Mom Issues. I love that she's so fucking kick-ass.
2. David Bowie. I... I can't describe how much I love this man. Currently, 'Cactus' is my favorite song.
3. David Kemper. You are an evil evil man. You say, with a smile, things like, "And that's when it all went to hell for them!" (paraphrased). You put your characters through hell and then let them come out the other side better people and even happy. You should be writing BSG. Or maybe you and Fabian could collaborate on a Cable and Deadpool movie. With the assistance of Ben Browder and Chris Judge.
4. Depeche Mode. I love you guys. Sometimes, I don't want to listen to you, and then something like 'precious' will prod at my brain and I'm in love with you again. You were babies, once, which is kind of scary.
5. Dax, Jadzia. You were calm, collected and the voice of reason. I'll never forget your amusement at Julian in 'If Wishes Were Horses'. You also once macked on Kira's boyfriend. Go, you. ;)
6. Dee. You're the voice of reason, and you support the people you love. No matter what stupid shit they pull. MWAH.
7. David Creegan. You're one fucked-up man. And you were fucked up before the bullet in your brain, with your marriage falling apart and your dedication to being a copper. You lock away the people you care about, so they can't be hurt. You've lost so damned much, but you don't stop. Someday, they're going to lock you in a funny farm and only Susan will visit you.
8. Duran Duran. I could love you for 'Pop Trash' alone, but there's more to it than that. There's 'Electric Barbarella', too.
9. D'Argo. Oh, man. You made me cry, dude. You're courageous and full of love and angst. And, yeah, sometimes, you don't get what the people around you are feeling. And you get pissed off like HELL. And mad. But you're a noble guy and you have such ANGST.
10. Deadpool. Oh, Wade. YOUR BRAIN IS SO SPECIAL. And you never shut up. Plus, you once cut Wolverine up a lot. Please don't change.
11. Dayna Mellenby. (shut up, she deserves to be on this list). She builds her own guns! And she fights with bows, knives, and swords. Plus, she's bitchy and feisty and wants to kill Servalan.