There was...

Oct 12, 2006 20:22

white stuff, today. I don't believe it existed.

Also got my tooth worked on. They started the crown, then decided the gum was getting too irritated, and now I have two more appointments before it'll all be fixed. But. THEY FILLED THE HOLE in the front of my tooth and then drilled it down and then slapped a temp crown over it.

I couldn't help but think of BONES.

And worry that I might end up in a bathtub filled with bleach, draino and other corosive chemicals. And then the only thing left of me might be the temp crown. Woe.

I also almost fell asleep in the chair while they were working on me.

*mutters* I need to go dig the fluffy blankets out from under my bed of storage.

Have also started watching Red Dwarf series one with the commentary. *snickers* God, I feel old.
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