Aug 26, 2006 22:00
random bit of chatlog I just dug up...
Ryss: Hm. Asgard with eyepatches...
Alryssa> And wearing tricorner hats.
Sarya> "Thor, that's uh, a nice patch there." "Arrr, O'Neill, Matey."
* Alryssa falls over.
Acetal> Sarya: Don't worry. In Asgard you come back to life the next day.
`Domino> "Avast, Tauri!"
* Alryssa splutters.
* Acetal ponders. Ysgard/Asgard/Asgaard?
Alryssa> "Ahoy there, SG1-mates!"
`Falstaff> Yarr!
Acetal> Lt. Yarr!
daroos> *snortchuckles*
Sarya> "All right. Carter? I blame this on you." "I'm NOT the one who showed Thor Pirates of the Carribbean, sir."
`Domino> "Baton the hatches and close the iris!" But that's just making all of the SGC pirates...
Acetal> Oh, now THERE'S an image.
`Falstaff> *Yarr!!"
* Acetal is picturing Thor learning how to wink.
daroos> "AAr, General. The Marines are revolting!" "Like we didn't know that before. Har, har..." "Sir, have you gotten into the rum again?" "Aye."
Alryssa> "Hoist the mains'l!" "..."
daroos> "Start the Dies'l."
`Falstaff> "Query, O'Neill." "The hell is it?" "Why precicely a *scurvy* dog?"
daroos> "Sir, the ships run on Antimater."
daroos> "Start the antimaters'l!"
* Alryssa pictures Daniel in a headscarf with an earring. Actually scarily easy to do...
daroos> Ryss: That's like, 3/4ths of the eps he's in now.
Acetal> Actually, dogs can produce their own vitamen C.
daroos> Which dude. Do-rag Daniel? Not so bad.
daroos> Ryss: Now picture him with the flamboyant red vest-let and poofy pants.
* Alryssa imagines Carter with a drawn on moustache and a hook. And dies.
* Acetal is now known as Carter``
* Carter`` puts my arms around O'Neil and whispers in his ear, `Don't ask, don't tell, sir.'
* Carter`` is now known as Acetal