SFF: You got your Duck in my soup edition

Jul 22, 2006 00:09

SGA: ...meh.

um... I did like it. I just have had my brain removed by the Duck Dodgers marathon on Boomerang (plus the episode of Black Books we watched).

OH. Ok. Vala was cute, and the CRITTERS were not there enough. And the autopsy scene was more lackluster than I'd thought it would be. Sigh.

SGA? Didn't like it. I fucking hate Michael, the human!form!wraith subplot is obnoxious. (seriously. You have the means to disable your enemy and wipe them out, and you... put them on a planet and give them cookies. GOOD CALL.)

Only bits I liked were Liz, Shep being annoyed, Teyla piloting the ship, and Rodney snarking. Oh, and Ronon shooting Michael. What a pity they all FELL AND HIT THEIR HEADS IN THE SHOWER AGAIN AND DIDN'T JUST KILL HIM.

sff:sg-1, sff:sga

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