and, of course, the thing that popped into my head whilst pondering Kate/Abby: (no spoilers)
Kate Todd liked to think of herself as a good little Catholic girl. She didn't even want to ponder the angst and guilt of, say, waking up next to her friend Abby Sciuto, with her hand up Abby's shirt.
Which was kind of why she yelped and yanked her hand out. "Abby! God, I'm sorry."
"It's all right, Kate." Abby reached over and patted her head. "I understand. You were having a dream, and you thought it would be good to reach out and touch--"
"Now, that's what I'm talkin' about," interrupted a male voice, sounding smug as hell. "Kate, don't stop, really."
"DiNozzo?" Kate turned and glared, then blinked, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Well, Caitlin, there's this little thing called sleep."
"Get the hell out of my bed, Tony. NOW."
"Oh, you think I'm happy to be here?"
It occured to Kate that Tony looked a little... damp. "Well, you were just a moment ago."
"Sorry, the lesbian real-life fantasy distracted me from the facts of life."
"I said I was sorry," mumbled a voice from between them.
Kate turned her enraged glare from Tony to find McGee curled up and looking very pathetic. And a little green around the gills. "Wait. You puked on DiNozzo?"
"Didn't mean to."
"Poor McGee," said Abby. "The drugs didn't exactly agree with him."
Kate began laughing. Maybe this was better than waking up alone.
"Rise and shine, everybody!" Gibbs appeared looming over the foot of the bed. "We've got things to do today, people, so don't think you can just loll around all day."
"Yes, boss," called Abby meekly.
"Now, Jethro," objected the older man as Ducky came carefully walking in, carrying a tray filled with food. "Just you wait until they've eaten. You know those drugs left them all in desperate need of sustenance. It reminds me of that time--"
"Right, Ducky. They can eat."
"Eat?" Asked McGee weakly.
"Oh, crap." Tony was moving, stumbling out of the bed in nothing but his boxer shorts.
The scent of eggs, bacon and toast assailed Kate's nostrils, and she winced. "Morning, Ducky."
McGee dragged himself from the bed, and went running from the room.
"Cool." Tony reached out and snagged a piece of bacon. "More for me."
"DiNozzo, you are such a pig."
"Yeah, Tony." Abby glared, arms crossed. "We should all be fasting, in solidarity."
"You can fast all you want, Abby," he took a huge bite. "I'm going to--" he paled and hastily set down the bacon. "--puke?"
Ducky shoved an empty trashcan at Tony, just in time.
"Ew." Kate turned her head from the sight and glanced at Abby. "How much longer do we have to put up with this?"
"Another day."
"Damn." Dropping back to the bed, Kate yanked the covers over her head. "Wake me when it's over.
"Nuh-uh, Kate. You and Abby need to get down to her lab, stat."
"Yes, boss."
And Kate knew, miserably, that they would never get to eat Ducky's fabulous breakfast. Her stomach churned--and maybe that was a good thing.