bsg 2.09 review.

Sep 19, 2005 10:47

I finally watched the non-expurgated version (well, I did fastforward once or twice), so, thought I'd ramble on a bit.

Still not enough Starbuck, but what was there was hot.

Blah, previouslys. I hate them. I've always hated them. And, yes, Farscape did them, too, and I still say it's basically like talking down to your audience to use them. Still hate the 'searching for a home called: Earth' thing in the credits, and still think the 'cylons blah blah' thing is ALSO kinda demeaning. Yeah, dude, we KNOW they were created by man. Not an episode goes by that someone doesn't remark on the Terrible Hubris of this.

At least when Doctor Who does hubris it's with gritty punk rock.


Back to Galactica.

Love the opening, the Tyrol and Helo conversation is so heartbreaking for both of them--and Tyrol's "I don't know why I'm yelling at you" line is so apt. He never got to make things right with his Sharon, and I don't know that he even knew HOW. Plus, the whole dying in his arms thing. Helo trying not to fight was also well-done. And I can definitely see the Officer in him with his backing offand attempt at authority.

The juxtaposition of Sharon with a viper in Chief's head also rather powerful. If not, er, a little disturbing, especially the drippy part (and yes, I thought that the first time, too).

The card game. Kara being in the middle was hotunderstandable. She doesn't think Helo is right for still sticking by Sharon, but she does think he has a right to do what he wants, and she's not going to dictate to him anymore than he would dictate to her. I LOVE this sense of deep bond between them.

I also love that she was going to be good and leave, and then Racetrack had to push it just a liiiittle further, and BAM. Head into the table. (of course, now I want dirtywrong Kara/Racetrack)

Then, of course, the Wraith computer virus starts trying to kill people.

The firing range scene is very amusing. Kara being totally slaphappy is funny as hell, and her total inability to be afraid of death is just... it's hot, but it also shows how little she tends to value herself.

Chief builds a plane in a day. (I don't want to even try to work out a timeline for it. I'm pretty sure it should have taken at least a month to manufacture all of the parts, including the skin, but, y'know, this is Science Fiction, there's a lot of hand-waving here).

Sharon recognizes the Wraith virus and wishes Ronon were around, as he's more manly than Helo.

The solution for the virus is... to trap it in a MALP. WAIT. Sorry. It's to wipe the hard drives and reformat, just like the Atlantis crew did. Huh. Good thing it can't jump to a viper (guess their onboard computers are too small. OMG. It's like trying to put an mp3 on a floppy. I wonder if you'd get a brain-damaged virus that way? HAH. Hex.)

Oh, and also they have Sharon do some Mary Sue thing with a wire up her arm.

Question: if you can't tell the Cylons apart, why did no one notice that she's got some sort of socket up her arm?

Maybe they could chop off a finger and stick a flashlight on the end to make light shine out of her eyes. Or, as Timey suggested: stick it up her ass.

Kara tries to scare the shit out of everyone, being the magnificent bitch she is.

The plane that Chief built is christened Laura. I sense lots of painful femslash euphemisms now.

I think that was it. Unlike Lantis, we don't get a painfully cliche resurgence of the virus. Maybe if they'd had some more sex and booze on Daedelus, they could've squelched that need.

Oddly, the climax of this episode was... flat.

It felt very Trek. What a surprise */sarcasm* And, hey, everyone loves Roslin again, so, yay. Oh, and Kara. And Helo and Racetrack make up, omg new otp. *eyeroll*

OMG. I forgot the Anastasia/Lee. Ok, so, it was totally her kind of noticing it while they were training, and going, "Huh. Kinda hot." And Lee, at the very end, realizing that she thought he was hot and deciding she was kind of hot, too. And then the dorky scene at the Blackbird (Scott Summers is going to be so sad they stole his plane) where he seemed almost embarrassed that he swore.

Much like Anders, Dee has no baggage with Our Hero(ine). And they do respect each other. It could be interesting. Mm.

I think that was it.

And, yes, I liked the episode. Even if it makes me want to watch Next Generation. OH! I'm reminded: omg. They should have Binars who can come play with Lactica's computer systems. And then Tigh can be stuck in the holodeck with Ellen.

angsty toasters are angsty, sff:battlestar galactica (new)

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